Editor: This is the text of a speech at a rally in solidarity with the Wisconsin workers at Courthouse Square in Santa Rosa, March 15th. “Brothers and Sisters, welcome to Tahrir Square, California! This is our Egypt moment. You have braved the weather to take... Continue
Letters To The Editor
Editor: Former union official Mike Smith and Democrat Ben Boyce have a vested interest in preserving public sector unions’ power. And it’s all about power. As Bob Chanin, chief legal counsel for the National Education Association said, “...NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because... Continue
Editor’s note: The following letter was sent in response to last week’s letter from Bob Piazza, president of Price Pump Company. Dear Bob: I am writing in support of your letter featured in the Sun newspaper. I call your attention to one fact you may... Continue
Editor: Publicly, Sonomans embrace small town charm, which exists mostly in Kodachrome photos (c. 1950) buried in the attic and in minutes of Chamber of Commerce meetings. They hate stores like Staples. Privately, those who actually live here paycheck-to-paycheck (vs. dividend check-to-dividend check), could care... Continue
Editor: George McKale’s columns on the Chinese in Sonoma are somewhat off the mark. Indeed, he omitted what is probably the most important historical event that links Sonoma with the Chinese. When he claims the historical record of Chinese immigrants in Sonoma is almost non-existent,... Continue
Editor: I was dismayed to see that Sheana Davis’ March10 column included a chef’s recipe for rabbit stew. Those who keep rabbits as house pets know what extraordinarily gentle, loving, soulful creatures they are, deserving of a far better fate than the stew pot. I... Continue
Editor: I wish to acknowledge and deeply thank the Sonoma City Council/Community Development Agency for directing $2M of bond measure funding toward the capital improvement of SCC’s historic landmark building. SCC will use this money to replace its nearly century-old furnace, upgrade building systems, and... Continue
Editor: The Republican Party, not content with its assault on labor (human) rights for wage and healthcare negotiations, now wants to drag us back to one of the lowest points in American history. Enter one Rep. Peter King, R-NY, who has convened hearings targeting American... Continue
I wanted to express my many thanks to Dan and the VFW Post for contributions to the 10K Run that my platoon was putting on while stationed in Tallil, Iraq. There are not enough words to express not only what the Somona VFW Post did... Continue
Editor: You deserve praise. Your March 3 issue contains two remarkable columns. Joan Huguenard’s “One Palestinian’s Odyssey” describes those civilizing values that were at the root of our nation’s founding – broad education and egalitarian self-governance leading to “the development of a worldview grounded in... Continue