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Letters To The Editor

Praise for Joan and Larry

Editor:  You deserve praise.  Your March 3 issue contains two remarkable columns.  Joan Huguenard’s “One Palestinian’s Odyssey” describes those civilizing values that were at the root of our nation’s founding – broad education and egalitarian self-governance leading to “the development of a worldview grounded in... Continue

Saturday’s Wisconsin Workers Solidarity Rally


In a spontaneous outpouring of support, over 100 community members turned out on a recent Saturday in Sonoma on 24 hours notice to show their solidarity with Wisconsin public sector workers and the “Wisconsin 14,” the brave state senators who are on strike to... Continue

Verano Avenue speed test track

Editor: Just another Monday afternoon in Sonoma, at around 2:45 when I was returning from getting my mail at my community mailbox I watched another driver screech around the corner of Lomita and Verano Avenue. Driving a Green VW Passat station wagon he was increasing... Continue

What about Juanita?

Editor: I was saddened to read in your pages of the early demise of the Plaza duck. Not so much for the duck, but for the fact that The Sun finds that more newsworthy than the passing of Sonoma/Bay Area legend, Juanita Musson. Juanita loved... Continue

High praise for Adele Harrison teacher

Editor: I want to compliment Kathleen Eschelman, an Adele Harrison english teacher, who goes the extra mile for her students.  She split off a talented bunch of students from  her 8th grade English class and  challenged them  to an eight-week  research project.  It meant extra... Continue

No dogs allowed” explained

Editor: This is in response to the recent article by Bob Edwards, Sonoma Valley Dog Owners and Guardians. The reason why there are “No Dogs Allowed” signs in the Plaza and other parks is because dog owners did not clean up after their dogs defecated... Continue

Chinese in Sonoma

Editor:George McHales columns on the Chinese in Sonoma are somewhat off the mark. Indeed, he omitted what is probably the most important historical event that links Sonoma with the Chinese. When he claims the historical record of Chinese immigrants in Sonoma is almost non-existent, perhaps... Continue

Help end the wait

Editor: Every 11 minutes, someone is added to the organ transplant waiting list. Currently 110,460 people are waiting for the life-saving donation of a heart, liver, kidney, even pancreas. One donor can save up to eight lives. I urge readers to consider being an organ... Continue

Thank you to the residents of Sonoma

Editor: We’ve been living here for two years now and my wife and I would like to express our gratitude to the good people of Sonoma. Since moving here we’ve found the traffic at most four way stop signs to be the best behaved of... Continue

Sonoma – a “distinctive” but not dog friendly destination

Editor: Urging residents to vote for Sonoma to beat Paducah, Kentucky as a “Distinctive Destination” for tourists, a recent editorial took rhetorical pains to place the competition in perspective: “Does this rise to the level of community importance represented by such somber issues as who should manage... Continue