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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Sonoma Plaza protest: ‘Passionate but peaceful’

A crowd of more than 300 gathered on Sonoma Plaza this afternoon to peacefully protest the murder of George Floyd and voice solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. Unlike demonstrations elsewhere that have devolved into violent confrontations between police and protestors, the Sonoma event... Continue

Community Center moves the arts online

SCC artist-in-residence Naomi Clement is, ironically, teaching from her home studio in Canada.  By Jackie Lee  Sonoma Community Center was in a bind, faced with the need to cancel all in-person classes for its wide range of arts programs which were filled and paid for... Continue

Sonoma Police will continue to enforce C-19 health orders

The City of Sonoma will continue to follow and enforce the County of Sonoma public health orders, contrary to Sheriff Mark Essick's new policy of ignoring the rules. "The Sonoma Police Department Chief will follow direction from the Sonoma City Council and City Manager regarding... Continue

Dam fine job on Sonoma’s Fryer Creek

The beavers along parts of Sonoma’s Fryer Creek just got a bit of a makeover, courtesy of the Sonoma County Water Agency. Nature's natural engineers, the beavers built two dams on the creek tributary that are so effective at holding water that the water agency... Continue

County DA opposes Sheriff’s rogue C-19 policy

The Sonoma County District Attorney’s office has gone on record as opposing Sheriff Mark Essick’s plan to stop enforcement of the health department’s Covid-19 rules. “The Sheriff and I both know our role is not to make policy but to enforce the rules,” said Chief... Continue