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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Letter: Anonymous mailer is unethical, cowardly

  How dismayed I was to find a mailer – with a Los Angeles postmark – in my mailbox today charging unethical behavior by one of our local politicians… And the mailer hid behind anonymity to make that charge! No “paid for by…” credit. No... Continue

To Peru with love

“A disheveled and desperate young woman, worn out and old well beyond her years, approached me on a Cusco street holding out to me her swaddled newborn. She was offering her tiny baby to me, speaking softly in Quechua, her mother tongue, and I didn’t... Continue

Sweets from the sky, made by hand

A recent summer day was so hot, even The Sun needed a break. So we stopped by Cielito – “Sweets From the Sky” Ice Cream and Café -- in the Springs, just off of Highway 12 in the new Vailetti Plaza. Jacqueline Ulloa, manager and co-owner was... Continue

Dolores Huerta — still fighting for social change

Tirelessly leading the fight for racial and labor justice, Dolores Huerta evolved into one of the most defiant feminists of the 20th century. A partner with César Chávez in founding the first farm workers union, she continues the fight to this day, in her late... Continue

The characteristics of an effective healing environment

When one seeks treatment for any type of ailment, an environment helps more than you know. If a person needs immediate treatment for addiction and substance abuse or mental health issues like depression, then they should be able to look for a rehab center that... Continue

Nick Demarest talks about closing Harvest Moon

Nick and Jen Demarest, owners of Harvest Moon Café, will close the doors of the successful dining spot on First St. West on the Plaza on Labor Day. They opened the  restaurant, a favorite with locals, in January 2006 with 35 seats. Nick said the... Continue

The industry push for 5G in Sonoma

Verizon wants to begin installing hardware to upgrade its 4G wireless network in Sonoma. It's a matter of some controversy; many members of the public and scientific community are concerned that small cell tower 4G radio wave networks are harmful to human health. But federal... Continue

Hot tips and assorted quips

Marty Bennett, a member of North Bay Jobs with Justice and a Sonoma resident, is all for the minimum wage hike, with no 'tip credit.' “Most restaurants can adjust to the wage hike by raising prices by less than two percent and absorb higher wage costs... Continue

It’s still summer at the Library

There’s still fun to be had (and air conditioning to enjoy) at the Sonoma Valley Library.  The free Lego Club meets every Friday from 1 to 3 p.m., lego units included. For ages 5-12. On Tuesday, July 23, a Self-Defense for Teens class will teach... Continue