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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News

$10 Billion for affordable housing is on the 2024 ballot

In April of this year, the Executive Board of ABAG (Association of Bay Area Governments), adopted a resolution supporting the action of the BAHFA (Bay Area Housing Finance Authority) Board to submit a ballot measure for a general obligation bond to finance affordable housing creation... Continue

A Cloudy Future For SDC: After judge rejects EIR, What’s Next?

An ominous, metaphorical cloud hangs over the Sonoma Valley, composed of a long list of unanswered questions about the future of the Sonoma Developmental Center. The center, universally referred to as SDC, remains in legal and political limbo following an emphatic, April 26 ruling by... Continue

A celebration of local naturalized citizens

On June 22 Sonoma Immigrant Services invites the community to join a celebration of local naturalized citizens. The free event promises music, food and will feature entertainment by local folkloric dance troupe Quetzalén. The SIS citizenship program offers ESL and civics classes to prepare applicants... Continue

Board of Supervisors adopts $2.5 billion 2024-25 Budget

On June 14, 2024, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 balanced budget, representing approximately $2.5 billion in total expenditures, a 10 percent increase from the prior fiscal year. The final budget adds 43 full-time County positions for... Continue

Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley awards $102,000 in community grants

The Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley awarded $102,000 in grants to nonprofits and educational groups throughout Sonoma Valley during the past twelve months.  These grants were made possible through the club's fundraising endeavors, including their annual Luck o’ the Irish Raffle and Dinner.  Rotary club... Continue