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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Rain/flood update for Tuesday evening

Above, a southward view Tuesday afternoon from the Glen Ellen Bridge. Flood Warnings are in place for the Sonoma area for the evening of February 26; check the City’s Emergency Updates Page for the most recent updates.  City staff is actively monitoring the situation and public... Continue

Seven vandals nailed in Sonoma car-smashing spree

A group of marauding juveniles was caught after midnight after vandalizing cars and smashing windshields along Blue Wing Drive in Sonoma. Neighbors reported several young men running through the neighborhood with bats, damaging at least six cars, at about 1 a.m. on February 24. Police were told... Continue

Councilmembers named to officially represent Springs to County

First District Supervisor Susan Gorin has named the seven members of the newly-formed Springs Municipal Advisory Council (MAC), a panel that will make recommendations to the County on matters of local interest and concern. Serving on the council will be: Maite Iturri, representing schools and... Continue

Sonoma Valley School Notes

Parenting in the Age of Legalized Marijuana. Free forum. Feb 28, 6-8 pm, at SVHS. Chat With the Principal, for SVHS parents. March 4, 8:30-9:30 am, at SVHS College and Career Center. Dance to benefit SVHS Seniors (scholarships). March 9, 7-10 pm, Sonoma Valley Woman’s... Continue

DNA match leads to suspect in 2017 Sonoma bank robbery

Sonoma County Sheriff’s Detectives have solved the 2017 robbery of Sonoma’s Umpqua Bank after a DNA hit on a man arrested on drug charges this month in Florida. William Paul Brust, 32, of Pacifica, is now in the San Francisco jail facing drug and weapons... Continue

Altimira School student arrested for making gun threats

A student of Altimira Middle School was arrested after allegedly making gun-related threats. No gun was found and there were no injuries following the February 21 incident. "The student was reported to have made threats involving a gun to harm other students," according to the Sheriff’s... Continue

I do. Do you?

-- By Andy Weinberger, from the Readers' Books newsletter We held a wedding last Sunday for Rosie, one of our star employees, and Ryan, her beau. We closed the store that day, decorated it with paper hearts and flowers, shifted furniture all around and made it... Continue

Model citizens: SVHS students attend Harvard conference

[caption id="attachment_93839" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Back Row: Ethan Smith, Andrew Powers, Tessla Carlsson, Reese Dobson, Claire McNairy, Lily Raaka, Gary Gissell. Front: Jacquie Torres, Ivy Blackwood, Luis Esteva[/caption]   By Sarah Ford | Sonoma Valley Sun A group of nine Sonoma Valley High School students made... Continue

I’m still angry. You should be, too.

By Norma Barnett | Special to The Sun Last fall, writing in the wake of the Kavanaugh hearings, the answer to the question "Should women be angry?" came easily. We need our anger. I haven’t changed my mind. By the end of that piece, though,... Continue