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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Honoring the legacy

The celebration of Chinese New Year has a special resonance in Sonoma, which has had a Sister City relationship with Penglai, China since 2011. The group’s committee is in fundraising mode for the Wine County Chinese Legacy Project, symbolized by a monument commemorating the Chinese... Continue

A retro look for proposed Springs project

Plans for a mixed-use revamp of the 1.26-acre Boyes Food Center parcel, to include a new retail building and 37 housing units, were unveiled by KS Mattson Partners at a well-attended meeting of the Springs Community Alliance on February 15. The project at 16205 Highway... Continue

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime

[caption id="attachment_86522" align="aligncenter" width="373"] Laura Porter, co-founder ACE Interface (Mike Kelly photo)[/caption] Two experts in the emerging field of Adverse Child Experiences – the episodes of childhood trauma and stress that can have debilitating lifelong effects – are coming to the Sonoma Valley to share... Continue

Sub-zero temperatures expected late Monday night

A Freeze Warning is in effect for Monday night and Tuesday morning as a strong cold front is forecast to sweep across northern and central California on Sunday. Much cooler and blustery conditions will develop, with cool and breezy conditions continuing into Monday, according to... Continue

Fire debris removal effort shifts to property owners

  [caption id="attachment_86318" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Crews removing fire debris work along Bonnie Way in Glen Ellen[/caption] For property owners who missed or opted out of the government-sponsored debris removal program, the County of Sonoma has set April 9 as the deadline to complete a mandatory private cleanup.... Continue

What’s next for prime Springs lot?

The proposed development for the prominent Highway 12 parcel now fronted by Boyes Food Center will be discussed at a meeting of the Springs Community Alliance on Thursday, February 15, 7 p.m. at La Luz Center, 17560 Greger Street. A project rep from KS Mattson Partners... Continue

Ash Wednesday on the go

With busy schedules and hurried lives who has time to attend church services for Lent? Understanding the pace of today’s high tech world, Pastor Matthew Pearson thought it best to bring church to the people. He and his staff were available to provide blessed ashes... Continue

Are you ready, legally and otherwise, for romance? A questionnaire

Name: __________________________  (Check all that apply)  Gender Identification Female Male Cis Male Cis Femae LGBTQ Other Stop trying to define me   Status Married Single Divorced Friend with Benefits Promiscuous Monogamous Reasonably Faithful Meh   Sexual History Celibate, but not necessarily by choice Sexting Experimented... Continue

Hero Awards for area’s first responders

[caption id="attachment_86298" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Rep. Mike Thompson presents Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue his Public Safety Hero Award.[/caption] U.S. Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-5) presented his annual Public Safety Hero Award to the teams of first responders that battled the October wildfires. Traditionally,Thompson honors one law enforcement officer... Continue

Next generation restaurateur is on a roll

Miranda Ives avoided the restaurant business as long as she could. But destiny, as expressed by the simple perfection of an artisan sausage, finally won out. “I grew up as a Plaza restaurant kid,” says the effusive proprietor of Sonoma’s Hare & Hatter Sausage Emporium.... Continue