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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Under the SUN: Mark Madden

Mark Madden - Drywall Ball-Dude You're in the drywall business, right? Yes. I've been installing and finishing drywall in this area for 40 years, and started my own company Mark Madden Drywall, Incorporated 25 years ago. It's been my whole life, and it's been good.... Continue

Water District chief explains rate changes

A letter from Dan Muelrath, General Manager of the Valley of the Moon Water District, which supplies customers in areas other than the City of Sonoma.  Over the past 10+ years water retailers have been encouraged by State Agencies, The Governor and numerous Commissions and... Continue

A new beginning for Cancer Support Sonoma

Sonoma’s only cancer service program is asking for community involvement as it transitions from being a program of the Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation to establishing itself as community-based nonprofit organization. As it prepares to launch its own nonprofit entity, Cancer Support Sonoma will host an... Continue

City to offer October fires water bill adjustment

Sonoma residents facing large water bills for October will get a break if the excess usage was in response to the threat of fire. Recognizing that many customers used lots of water around their property to reduce the risk of fire, the City Council on... Continue

Here comes Santa Claus!

Santa Claus is coming to town -- on Friday, December 1 at 5:30 p.m., to be exact. Motoring up Broadway on a vintage fire truck decked with Christmas lights (it’s the reindeer’s night off), Saint Nick will make his traditional visit to Sonoma City Hall to... Continue

Fire Relief Financial Assistance Program at La Luz

Fire Relief Financial Assistance will be offered at La Luz Center through January 15, 2018. The program will assist Sonoma County fire-effected families and individuals, and guarantee an efficient distribution of Redwood Credit Union-collected fire relief funds. Up to $750,000 of funds may be disbursed, in amounts... Continue

More support for First Responders

Squire Fridell, past president of the Sonoma Valley Vintners and Growers Alliance (at right) proudly watches as wife Suzy and daughter Lexy hand off a check for $17,771 to Bob Norrbom, Sonoma Valley Fire Department Battalion Commander. After the firestorm, GlenLyon and Two Amigos Wineries held... Continue

Letter from College: 2017 SVHS grad Hannah Ford-Monroe

  [caption id="attachment_84803" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Freshman Hannah Ford-Monroe misses Sonoma but loves college life at UC Santa Barbara. “I look out at the water and think, wow, I actually live here.”[/caption] Hannah Ford-Monroe, Sonoma Valley High School class of ’17, is a freshman at the... Continue