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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Reps. Thompson, Huffman: feds denial of fire aid is ‘a new low’

A request for supplemental disaster relief by the federal Office of Management and Budget contains no funding whatsoever for rebuilding the communities in California devastated by the recent wildfires, according to Congressmen Mike Thompson (CA-05) and Jared Huffman (CA-02). For the Administration to not request... Continue

Plaza of light

Sonoma flips the switch on the holiday season on November 18 with the fifth annual Lighting of the Plaza as the eight-acre park will come aglow with 100,000+ sparkling lights. The festive gathering music, holiday treats and more, including a performance by members of the... Continue

Don’t cut those trees!

Sonoma Ecology Center has an urgent message for local residents cleaning up fire-scorched properties: Please don’t cut down those trees and shrubs. They may look dead after last month’s wildfires killed their leaves and blackened their bark. But most are not dead – and more... Continue

Sonoma launches ‘Gratitude Project’

  Appreciation, recognition, and gratitude are the theme the City of Sonoma's slate of activities for the community in the month of November, highlighted by a gathering to pay tribute to emergency responders, community volunteers, and fire victims in a civic ceremony on November 18.... Continue

Driver in deadly crash booked for DUI

The California Highway Patrol has identified a woman who died in a head-on collision involving an allegedly intoxicated driver Tuesday morning on state Highway 12 as Estefania Soto, 27, of Boyes Hot Springs. Estefania Soto was driving a 2012 Nissan Sentra east on Highway 12... Continue

Help for parents of troubled teens

A new program to assist parents of teens is being brought to the Valley by the City of Sonoma’s Youth & Family Services program. The Parent Project is a 10-week program specifically for parents of strong-willed, out-of-control children and adolescents, ages 11-18. The program, beginning... Continue

Editorial: Luxury gun club is for the birds

Under the noses of citizens, a private event center in disguise is close to approval for construction in the heart of our Sonoma Baylands. After the 50-year-old Black Point Sports Club was forced to relocate, it was acquired by a high-profile local developer. Darius Anderson... Continue

Redwood Food Bank gets largest poultry donation ever

  Redwood Empire Food Bank today accepted its largest single poultry donation ever (18,000 pounds of holiday turkey and 40,000 pounds of poultry products) along with a cash donation of $100,000 from Foster Farms. Donated turkeys will be distributed to families via the Food Bank’s Emergency Station... Continue

Overlook Trail reopens after repairs to firebreak damage

To combat the wildfires threatening Sonoma, bulldozers cut a fire break through hillside terrain including the Overlook Trail. The effort helped halt the advancing fire, but caused substantial damage to the trail itself, as the heavy machinery crossed the trail 15-20 times. Thanks to a... Continue

Scouts collect food for FISH

The annual Scouting for Food drive for Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH) is underway throughout Sonoma Valley. Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts alike distribute flyers onto hundreds of doors, hoping to come back to find donated food on Saturday, November 18. The call is for... Continue