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Local Sonoma Valley News:

‘Fiscal Cliff’ looming for Health Center — how to help

The Sonoma Valley Community Health Center is asking for advocates to fight huge budget cuts that Congress will decide on September 30. The national Health Center Program is facing a 70% reduction in funding -- the "fiscal cliff" -- pending a vote that is apart from any debate... Continue

Hot on the trail

Ambassadors from The Lodge at Sonoma volunteered their time and muscle to do some trail maintenance on the Sonoma Overlook Trail on Sunday. The crew cleaned drainage ditches in preparation for the rainy season, and donated funds to help with future trail maintenance and upkeep. Continue

Sonoma Arts Live actors, shows nominated for regional awards

[caption id="attachment_81519" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Amanda Pederson and Dani Innocenti Beam are nominated for acting awards for their work in "Gypsy."[/caption] Lead by its production of “Gypsy,” Sonoma Arts Live has garnered multiple nominations from two regional Bay Area Bay Area Theater awards organizations. The Theatre... Continue

No-cost mammogram program at SV Hospital

Throughout the month of October, Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Women’s Health Center will offer no-cost mammograms for uninsured and underinsured Sonoma Valley women over the age of 40. The screening program, known as Project Pink, is made available as a community service through a special grant... Continue

Another banner day for Sonoma Valley students

[caption id="attachment_83168" align="aligncenter" width="420"] In addition to ringing Sonoma Plaza, 'I Choose' banners proudly fly at Sonoma Valley High School.[/caption] As part of the Sun’s series showcasing the K-12 public school students featured on the new “I Choose” banners that circle the Plaza, here are... Continue

Fall into organizing

By Kari Wishingrad | For The Sonoma Sun The days still may be still plenty, but the Summer season has come to a close. Kids are back at school, vacations are over and we are heading into the Holiday season and the end of the... Continue

Sonoma Valley death notices

Anthony Alfred Avellar, 90, of Sonoma, passed away August 17, 2017. Gary Wayne Beard, 66, of Sonoma, passed away August 1, 2017. Earl Thomas Carmichael, 79, of Sonoma, passed away August 29, 2017. Stuart Loren Cole, 77, of Sonoma, passed away August 19, 2017. Ryan... Continue

Council to consider moratorium on Plaza tasting rooms

The Sonoma City Council will discuss and possibly vote on placing a temporary moratorium on Plaza wine tasting rooms, a move recommended by the city staff. The October 2 agenda includes a draft ordinance that, if approved, would put all potential tasting rooms on hold... Continue

On health and aging

By Dr. Marcus Porrino | Special to The Sun All of us that get to experience the benefits of longevity and "aging" are blessed -- the key is how we negotiate that transition. It can be extremely challenging at times, and rewarding and joyful at... Continue

‘Renters Week’ rally on Sonoma Plaza

  [caption id="attachment_83489" align="aligncenter" width="420"] A pro-DACA rally drew a large crowd to Sonoma Plaza on September 8.[/caption] Housing advocates will rally tonight (9/22) from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on the Plaza in support of  national Renters Week of Action. The rally is being sponsored by the Sonoma Valley... Continue