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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Road paving, delays to continue next week

Road paving work will continue throughout the Sonoma Valley next week. Minor delays are anticipated on Arnold Drive next week, with night work anticipated to begin in October. Daytime delays are also anticipated on Boyes Blvd., Lovall Valley Road, and 5th Street West, continuing for several weeks.... Continue

Development war: Big stakes, tough tactics

In a City over 150 years old, growth and change have always taken place, but the scale of development -- and the fortunes associated with it -- have never been greater. The last time the City of Sonoma was so embroiled was in the early... Continue

Does anyone support affordable housing?

At the planning commission meeting on September 14, one thing was clear: Sonoma is in denial about the scale and scope of the housing crisis. Sure, 20-30 people showed up to protest the development of a 5000+ square foot home on the Sonoma hillside, but none... Continue

Marijuana battlefield in Glen Ellen

By Jonah Raskin | Special to The Sun Now that autumn’s here, marijuana growers are harvesting their crop, some of which will stay local and some of which will travel to Bay Area markets. Not everyone who grows “cannabis,” as it’s often called these days,... Continue

Big change at Sonoma Market

A surprise announcement from Sonoma Market, where longtime manager Al Minero, at left with his replacement, Cody Moody, is stepping away from the job he’s held since 2008. "I'm taking about a year off to see if I like retirement,’ Minero said. “But maybe I'll... Continue

Springs community clean-up on 9/23

Feeling community minded? Grab a garbage bag. The Springs Community Alliance is staging a community cleanup for Saturday, September 23, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers will walk along both sides of Highway 12 as well as Boyes Boulevard, and are encouraged to organize... Continue

Disguised suspect robs Sonoma bank, disappears

The suspect in this morning’s robbery of Umpqua Bank is still at large after evading a search of the area near 135 West Napa Street, including aerial support by the Sheriff’s Department helicopter. Bank employees told police that the suspect entered the bank at 10... Continue

Free DACA renewal services at La Luz

In response to the significant changes to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program (DACA), free renewal services for current DACA recipients is now available at La Luz Center. The services, including some financial assistance to cover the $495 filing fee, is being by the... Continue

Hospital, trees on next Springs Community Alliance agenda

The public is invited to the monthly meeting of the Springs Community Alliance on Thursday, September 21, at 7 pm. at La Luz Center, 17560 Greger Street in the Springs. The September agenda includes an update from the Sonoma Valley Hospital, to include the parcel... Continue