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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

County seeks public input on cannabis ordinance update

A 30-day public review and comment period on a proposed update to Sonoma County’s cannabis ordinance begins today. County officials are seeking feedback on proposed policy changes that emphasize neighborhood compatibility and environmental stewardship before the project moves forward to the environmental impact report process.... Continue

Get ready to pay more for your water

The Sonoma County Water Agency (Sonoma Water) Board of Directors on Tuesday voted to increase wholesale water rates to address the pressing needs of aging infrastructure. The adjusted wholesale water rates are forecasted to make a modest impact on household budgets of between $2 to... Continue

The Sun also rises….in June!

We are pleased to announce that the Sonoma Valley Sun will continue to be published and printed twice monthly, beginning June 1, 2024. With the love and support of Val Robichaud's family, we have reorganized the business under new ownership; two Sun newspaper veterans each... Continue

Sonoma Overnight Support is feeding the hungry!

Sonoma Overnight Support, SOS, shared the good news that, because of their new kitchen, they were able to receive large quantities of donations from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Redwood Empire Food Bank, and Sonoma Market. SOS can now store more food... Continue

Sonoma Valley Community Health Center Earthquake Shakeout

Saturday, April 20th- 12pm – 3:00pm El Verano School, 18606 Riverside Drive, Sonoma, CA SVCHC will host a Earthquake Shakeout for the community on Saturday, April 20th at El Verano Elementary School from 12pm – 3pm. April is California’s and Sonoma County’s Earthquake Preparedness Month. According... Continue

Hwy 37 closure delayed for a week

The schedule for the closure of Hwy. 37 from Sears Point to Novato has been postposed for one week due to the prospect of inclement, rainy weather.  The closure of the westbound land which was start tomorrow, Friday the 12th of April, has been moved... Continue

Are you properly prepared for an earthquake?

The Sonoma County Spring Shake Out is an opportunity to participate in a countywide earthquake drill. During the Spring Shake Out you will have an opportunity to practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold On!”, which is the recommended action to take when the earth shakes. All... Continue

City of Sonoma announces Earth Day Photo Contest

The City of Sonoma has announced its annual Earth Day Photo Contest, putting the spotlight on trees! Trees are not only essential for the health of our planet, but they also inspire us with their beauty and resilience. It invites you to celebrate their existence... Continue