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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Still time to register for Measure E vote

The last day to register to vote in the upcoming election is May 22. On the June 6 ballot is Measure E, with which the Sonoma Valley Healthcare District seeks a five-year extension of the parcel tax, at $250 a year – a $55 increase.... Continue

Guest opinion: Use hotel tax money to fix our roads

By Craig S. Harrison and Michael Troy, -- Last November Save Our Sonoma Roads supported Measure L, which increased the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) in unincorporated Sonoma County from 9 percent to 12 percent. It is estimated to increase annual revenue by $5 million. The... Continue

Adopting an artwork

Proceeds from the sale of works of a gallery show at Sonoma Arts Guild are presented to Nancy King, center, of Pets Lifeline, by the Guild’s Jackie Lee, at left, and Gail Duffley. The exhibition featured 50 animal portraits painted by fifth-through-eighth grade students at... Continue

Highway 37 — going nowhere?

By Anna Pier | Sonoma Valley Sun -- Six elected officials and two government staffers couldn’t put Highway 37 together again. The panel re-hashed the problems of traffic and flooding, touched on privatization and public-private partnerships, responded in brief to a few public questions, and wrapped... Continue

“Due to unforeseen circumstances…”

“Due to unforeseen circumstances…” Melissa Canaday opened her moving testimonial at the Sonoma Overnight Support fundraising luncheon in Burlingame Hall on May 13 with these words. She praised The Haven shelter, operated by S.O.S., where she was able to shower, wash her clothes and get... Continue

Sonoma Little League update

Noah Giovannelli of the Bears launches a double to the wall, as catcher Julian Brenek and Trevor Dwelly look on. Standings as of 5/16 W     L Falcons       17     0 Bears           12   5 Angels         11   6 Mustangs       8     9 Cardinals       7   10 Tigers           7   10 Red... Continue

Sonoma Valley Fund report: Charity in a changing world

Sonoma Valley’s nonprofit sector is surprisingly big but the needs it addresses are even bigger, according to a new study released by Sonoma Valley Fund. The report shows that nonprofits are challenged to serve a population that is growing, graying, diversifying and becoming less equal. “This research... Continue

Mother knows best

Thirteen Sonoma Valley moms share what they've learned along the way, what they might have done differently and how they're like their own mother.  Dulce Silvi What has motherhood taught you? Motherhood has taught me to always give it all you've got, cherish every second, and... Continue

The surprising origins of Mother’s Day

By Sarah Ford | Sonoma Sun -- The founders of Mother’s Day would undoubtedly be dismayed at the commercialization of this holiday, and the lack of awareness about its roots. There were actually several Mother’s Days. The first -- Mother’s Work Day -- was founded in... Continue