Rep. Mike Thompson presents Amelia Ceja with a Fifth Congressional District American Dream Award. Ceja was one of 18 immigrants in Thompson’s district who he honored for making remarkable contributions in the areas of Arts and Culture, Professional Achievement, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, or Community Service... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Teams are building across Sonoma County as a rapid response network to “witness, accompany and advocate” when immigrants are threatened by ICE raids. The goal is to peacefully observe and document the operation of enforcement officers to aid in defense during deportation hearings – not... Continue
By Rachel LaFranchi -- The Walker family has been farming in Graton for over 100 years and this year they are being honored as Sonoma County Farm Bureau’s Farm Family of the Year. Lee Walker, 86, is a sixth generation apple farmer in Graton whose 50... Continue
After several years in the making, the draft Master Plan for Maxwell Farms Regional Park will be rolled out at a public meeting on Wednesday, July 12 at the Boys and Girls Club. Supervisor Susan Gorin invites public comment on the plan before it comes... Continue
The Sonoma Valley Health Care District Board board voted Thursday to definitely sell its empty 2.83-acre lot along MacArthur at Fourth Street West. The board has three bids in hand from commercial developers, but a new proposal emerged that instead calls for workforce housing project at... Continue
Are Sonoma high school students burdened by too much homework? Many Valley parents feel their kids need fewer assignments and more sleep, according to a new survey. A Sun staff report. A few years ago, a group of Sonoma Valley High School parents approached the school... Continue
Including housing in the Hotel Project Sonoma plan for West Napa Street, as required by the parcel’s zoning, reduces the project’s environmental impacts. This is the conclusion of an analysis I have prepared on behalf of the appeal of the certification of the EIR by... Continue
Community members are questioning the recent restructuring of the Family Resource Center at El Verano School and the dismissal of its parent engagement coordinator, Mario Castillo. That job is being expanded into two part-time slots that will be staffed by parents of current El Verano... Continue
A remodel of the Sonoma Cheese Factory approved in 2015 was then described by the developer as “modest” – but the latest plans for the iconic Plaza building seem to be anything but. Coming soon to the Planning Commission is a plan to save the... Continue
Citing medical concerns, Steve Freitas has resigned as the Sonoma County Sheriff. "I am announcing my retirement as the Sheriff of Sonoma County effective August one," he said in a statement released today. "I have struggled with some medical issues for more than a year... Continue