Two times was the charm for Measure E, the local parcel tax measure placed on the ballot for the second time this spring. With 68.9% of the vote "YES", the measure accounted for 6,422 "YES" votes, vs. 2,890 "NO" votes, or 31.1%. In order to... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
The special election to renew and enlarge the parcel tax to fund the local Sonoma Valley Hospital, Measure E, ends today. Votes will be tallied after the polls close this evening. Voters have been sending in absentee ballots for the past month, and typically those... Continue
THE SONOMA ECOLOGY CENTER REMINDS US Did you know today is World Environment Day? Recognized globally, June 5 is a chance for all of us to show the world our love and support of the natural environment on which we depend. This worldwide day reminds us that the... Continue
The annual fundraiser to fight cancer, Relay for Life, will take place August 5-6 at Sonoma Valley Hospital, and volunteers are needed now to help produce the event. The event is organized by teams that keep at least one walker on the track for 24... Continue
“Not everybody gets to live here. You earn it. I worked hard at it. We don’t owe anybody anything.” This quote is Sonoma Mayor Pro Tem Gary Edwards commenting on the future of housing in Sonoma at the recent city council planning retreat. This apparent... Continue
The celebration of America’s independence is right around the corner and the Sonoma Volunteer Firefighter’s Association is now accepting applications for the July 4th Parade and Plaza Festival. The application can be completed online at This year’s parade theme is “Honoring Our Local Heroes.” The... Continue
The appeal of the Sonoma Planning Commission’s decision to certify the Environmental Impact Report on the Hotel Sonoma project, coming one way or another to the 100 block of West Napa Street, has been set for June 22. The City Council will consider if concerns... Continue
Now in its 15th year at 18330 Sonoma Highway, the nonprofit Friends in Sonoma Helping continues the Clothes Closet program started in 1974 at the Faith Lutheran Church. Providing free clothes, and now books, toys and housewares for those who need them is now handled... Continue
Sonoma Valley Hospital has released its three-year rolling strategic plan, a document designed to define strategic priorities for the near future and identify the tactics Hospital staff will use to achieve them. “It’s a very important document that leads us to step back and look... Continue
“Piano,” by Ryan Taylor, is among works in the Arts Guild of Sonoma’s “Next Generation” exhibition, June 1 through 30. Other guest artists, working in the mediums of screen printing, sculpture, painting, photography and ceramics, include: Oliver Estrada; Briona Hendren; Lorene Cruz Santiago; Hannah Skoonberg;... Continue