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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Mother knows best

Thirteen Sonoma Valley moms share what they've learned along the way, what they might have done differently and how they're like their own mother.  Dulce Silvi What has motherhood taught you? Motherhood has taught me to always give it all you've got, cherish every second, and... Continue

The surprising origins of Mother’s Day

By Sarah Ford | Sonoma Sun -- The founders of Mother’s Day would undoubtedly be dismayed at the commercialization of this holiday, and the lack of awareness about its roots. There were actually several Mother’s Days. The first -- Mother’s Work Day -- was founded in... Continue

‘Greening of the Springs’ meeting

The public is invited to the monthly meeting of the Springs Community Alliance on Thursday evening, May 18, for a panel discussion on “The Greening of the Springs”. Panelists will include: Holland Gistelli from the Sonoma Ecology Center who will talk about the SEC’s water conservation... Continue

Visitors Bureau celebrates Tourism Week, announces awards

The Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau led Sonoma Valley’s travel and tourism community in “National Travel Rally Day” on Tuesday,part of the 24th annual United States Travel Association’s National Travel and Tourism Week. The SVB also announced four local industry awards as part of gathering of... Continue

No-cost mammogram program at SV Hospital

Throughout the month of May, Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Women’s Health Center will offer no-cost mammograms for uninsured and underinsured Sonoma Valley women over the age of 40. The screening program, known as Project Pink, is made available as a community service through a special grant... Continue

Cinco de Mayo ‘Celebration of Unity’ draws 4,000

La Luz Center‘s Cinco de Mayo celebration on Sunday, May 7 was a powerful “Celebration of Unity” in recognition of the broadening challenges faced by Sonoma’s immigrant community. Over 4,000 people attended, making it one of Sonoma’s best-attended Cinco events in recent years. “It was... Continue

Hot on the trail

The Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley is always lending hands-on help to projects around the Valley. Here, a crew performs some much needed maintenance on the Rattlesnake Cut-off, linking the Sonoma Overlook and Montini trails. Pictured, from left: Dave Waldron, Dave Pier, Wayne Schake, Cam Fraser, Fred... Continue

‘Community All-Star’ honored by Hanna Boys Center

In recognition of 25 years of service to Hanna Boys Center, Mary Jo Potter has been named the 2017 winner of the Hanna Community All-Star Award. “It’s a great honor to have been selected to receive this award for my work at Hanna,” Potter said.... Continue

May 11: Job Fair at SDC

The Sonoma Developmental Center will host a Job Fair on Thursday, May 11, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the SDC Gymnasium. Human Resource personnel and Hiring Managers will be on site to answer questions about vacancies and career opportunities. Part time, full time and... Continue