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Local Sonoma Valley News:

At peace in the garden

My latest writing theme focuses on the language of flowers or plant symbolism. In my first article I designed a little love garden. It was a pink fluffy sketch filled with flowers we associate with romance and love. Last time I explored the world plants... Continue

Sonoma Little League update

Photo: Carson Smith (Bears) and Finn Parker (Angels) duke it out during their recent matchup at Paul’s Field. Parker won the battle, striking out Smith in the first inning, but Smith won the war as he connected later in the game for a Grand Slam leading... Continue

Rep. Thompson to host Town Hall Meeting in Sonoma

Mike Thompson, whose Fifth Congressional district includes Sonoma Valley, will host a public meeting on Thursday, April 20 at Sonoma Valley High School. This is his latest in an ongoing series of town hall meetings across the district to give constituents the chance to speak... Continue

Sonoma City Council approves “sanctuary city” resolution

At its meeting last night, the Sonoma City Council unanimously approved a couple of resolutions intended to reassure and assist undocumented valley residents threatened by the new and more aggressive immigration policies of the Trump administration. The first of the two votes was to adopt... Continue

Attempted rape near Sonoma’s Overlook trail

A female jogger was attacked Sunday afternoon by man who disappeared in the area of Norrbom Road and the Sonoma Overlook Trail. The 24-year-old woman told investigators that she was jogging when a man yelled at her, than pushed from behind and fell onto the... Continue

Parole denied in Moon Mountain murder case

The man convicted of shooting two farm workers to death in 1975 on Moon Mountain Road was denied parole after a hearing Thursday. William Barton, now 62 years-old "would continue to pose a danger to the community were he not incarcerated," according to District Attorney Jill Ravitch. "Therefore, we objected to... Continue

Sonoma Council to discuss commission appointment process

At this coming Monday's meeting of the Sonoma City Council, the last item on the agenda is a discussion about possibly changing the way the city appoints members to its commissions. At present, the appointment process involves the Mayor and one other council member (rotating... Continue

Sonoma Planning Commission certifies Napa St. Hotel EIR

At a three-hour-plus meeting Thursday night, Sonoma's Planning Commission certified the Final EIR for the Napa Street Hotel proposed by Kenwood Investments. The vote of the commission was 5-1, with commission member Bill Willers in the minority. An EIR is required by California's Environmental Quality... Continue