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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Brown Act violation complaint filed with City of Sonoma

The attorney representing the North of the Mission Neighborhood Association, Rose M. Zoia, has filed a formal complaint with the City of Sonoma alleging that a violation of the Brown Act occurred during the Sonoma Planning Commission of March 23. Association spokesperson Sheila O’Neill notified... Continue

Sonoma shelter won’t pursue homeless parking program

The nonprofit Sonoma Overnight Support will not seek renewal of the test program that allowed overnight parking this winter for people living in their cars. Demand for the five spaces during the December-March period was low, according to Kathy King, SOS executive director, and only... Continue

Heavy rains + old pipes = raw sewage overflows

The heavy rains of the past months, even before the current storms, caused major overflows of raw sewage into Valley street and creeks. In total, 744,780 gallons of raw sewage escaped the collection system and entered protected surface waters over a two-month period. The problem spots:... Continue

Slow-moving developments

After the Sonoma Development Center officially closes in December of 2018, what will become of the land and buildings? The state, which is on the record that it has no intention of selling the 1,640-acre campus as surplus property, is now one step closer to... Continue

Mourning Brandon Barmore

Sonoma mourns the passing of Sonoma Valley High School senior Brandon Barmore, who died while on a service trip in Nicaragua on March 26. While swimming, he slipped underwater for an extended time. His parents, Margee and Phil Barmore, said chaperones and fellow students administered CPR... Continue

Signing out

Walt Williams disassembles the famous ‘Sonomawood’ sign on the Plaza, a symbolic end to the four-day, 100-film, multiple party Sonoma International Film Festival that closed April 2. “What a great Festival,” enthused executive director Kevin McNeely. “We are still counting ticket stubs but this may... Continue

Sonoma Valley death notices

Mike Amir Alikhani, 93, of Sonoma, passed away March, 9, 2017. Brandon Isaiah Barmore, of Sonoma, passed away March, 26, 2017. Norman Doyle Bird, 93, of Sonoma, passed away March, 31, 2017. Virginia Bohm, 88, of Eldridge, passed away March, 20, 2017. Alice Betty Campbell,... Continue

Film fest fades to black

It's all over but the wine bottle recycling for the Sonoma International Film Festival, the four-day, 100-film and multiple party event that wrapped up Sunday night. “What a great Festival,” enthused executive director Kevin McNeely. “We are still counting ticket stubs but this may have... Continue

Wed. night town hall meeting: Highway 37

If you were confronted by a flooded Highway 37 this winter and are worried about future closures, First District Supervisor Susan Gorin will be holding a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, April 5, to the future of the highway. The meeting will cover the future... Continue

Council set to confirm new planning commissioner

Lynda Corrado will likely be named the alternate member of the Sonoma Planning Commission at Monday night's City Council Meeting. She was nominated for the post by Mayor Rachel Hundley. Corrado's appointment is on the consent portion of the April 3 agenda, meaning it will be... Continue