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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Honoring a civic ‘treasure’

Sonoma Mayor Rachel Hundley presents media instructor Peter Hansen as the city’s Treasure Artist for 2017 at reception Wednesday night. In selecting Hansen, the Sonoma Cultural and Fine Arts Commission noted not only his accomplishments as a filmmaker, but also his dedication to the youth of Sonoma... Continue

The Pulse Award goes to…

Judy Vadasz and Donna Halow are the Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation’s 2017 Pulse Award honorees, given to recognize outstanding Sonoma Valley women who have made significant contributions to the community through their volunteerism, community involvement and philanthropy. “Donna and Judy are being honored to recognize... Continue

Seeking stability

Rent stabilization for manufactured homes in Sonoma, an update of rules dating back to 1998, is now and finally in effect. Park owners in Sonoma already receive an automatic annual increase of 0.8% CPI. The ordinance codifies additional ways in which park owners may seek... Continue

Kill tourism promotion? Really?

Reader commentary by Steve Page -- It has been remarkable to observe the recent assault on tourism dominating the editorial pages of our two local newspapers. Most astounding, there is not even a glimmer of recognition for the core contribution tourism represents to the economic vitality... Continue

Water: Too much in winter, too little in summer

By Caitlin Cornwall -- The big storms hitting our region this winter have been unusually powerful. And one of them was just plain unusual. The December 15 storm which caused some minor flooding around the Valley was stronger here than at the coast, and it dumped more... Continue

Women’s March: Sonoma group in Sacramento

A contingent of local activists, organized by the Sonoma Valley Democrats club, went Saturday to Sacramento to participate in the Women’s March at the state capitol. The bus trip was supported in part by a benefit event with musician David Aguilar, who wanted to support... Continue

Sonoma’s Council approves Farmers Market plan

At the meeting of the Sonoma City Council on Monday, January 23rd, the farmer’s market agenda item began with a thorough framing and articulate staff report by city manager Cathy Capriola. Capriola noted off the top that the market is a “very successful event”, and a... Continue

Thousands peacefully march in Sonoma

By Sarah Ford | Special to The Sun The Plaza horseshoe was full to overflowing on Saturday morning, January 21, for the local version of the nationwide Women's March. Organizers stood on a ladder in front of City Hall to deliver a few brief opening... Continue