Word is people in the Sonoma Valley are still reading books, so the SUN set out to verify this, talking with Lisa Musgrove, manager of our local branch of the Sonoma County Library, and Jude Sales, manager of Sonoma’s only bookstore, Readers’ Books. “The love... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Friends and readers, here I am once more, sharing my feelings in these turbulent times. Is this the moment to be fearful? Not at all. Even less is it a time to just be waiting for uncomfortable actions to be directed specifically at the Hispanic... Continue
The legislature passed, and Governor Brown signed a new law that goes into effect January 1st prohibiting a driver from holding a cell phone for any purpose. In other words, you can't use your phone unless it is operated "hands-free" or you can be subject to... Continue
The conduct of City Council members is a blend of law and convention. Laws define the actions that council members cannot take while holding public office, and the requirements they must meet in order to take and hold office. Convention, the established norms of behavior... Continue
Kathy King, Director of The Haven homeless shelter in Sonoma, announced that the Memorandum of Understanding between SOS (the shelter operator) and the City of Sonoma has been signed, and the overnight parking program for five vehicles was initiated just before the holidays, beginning on... Continue
Dear Emily, My 16 year old's room is a mess, and I am at my wit's end. I don't know what to do. There is no visible floor space in his room; clothes, trash, and school papers are piled everywhere, and dirty dishes are stacked... Continue
The City of Sonoma is seeking volunteers to fill vacancies on various City Commissions and Committees. Interested citizens may apply by submitting an application form to the City Clerk. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Wednesday January 18, 2017. Interested citizens may apply by submitting... Continue
The City of Sonoma has just released the language of the ordinance banning the use of gas-powered leaf blowers City of Sonoma Leaf Blower Guidelines To Landscape Contractors working in the City of Sonoma: Effective 9:00 a.m., on Thursday, December 22, 2016 The referendum-approved Leaf... Continue
Although there may be some “minor changes” to the Tuesday Night Farmers Market as recommended by a City Council sub-committee now studying the issue, Sonoma Mayor Rachel Hundley said she expects the 2017 season will move forward under the current management team. In a conversation... Continue
Sonoma's Planning Director David Goodison confirmed today that traffic issues raised by the public have indeed identified a flaw in the "left-turn warrant" analysis performed by the traffic engineer for the proposed 62-room hotel project on Napa Street. In his memorandum, Goodison notes, "it only... Continue