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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Luz Luz bash is lights out

With guests in neon and hosts in dayglow, this year’s “Noche de La Luz” fundraiser was an extravaganza of color and light. The result was a beautiful shade of green – the August 6 bash at the Sonoma Veterans Building raised over $450,000 for the La... Continue

Early Education — Sonoma’s First Schools

(By Linda Blum | Sonoma Valley Sun) -- As far back as the time when the memories of Sonoma as a Mexican pueblo, and of the Bear Flag Revolt were still fresh, and when many new settlers were coming from the east, there was an education system... Continue

Sonoma seeks nominations for Artist of the Year

The City of Sonoma’s Cultural and Fine Arts Commission is seeking nominations for the 2016 Sonoma Treasure Artist of the Year Award. First awarded in 1983, the Sonoma Treasure is selected and recognized for outstanding achievement in a chosen artistic medium including the performing, visual,... Continue

Work on Sonoma streets begins this week

Segments of 18 Sonoma streets will be smoothed and sealed in two months of work -- formally known as the 2016 Citywide Slurry Seal pavement restoration project -- starting August 11. According to The Department of Public Works, the timeline calls for: crack sealing will precede the Slurry... Continue

The View from Homeschool

By Sarah Ford | Special to The Sun During the 15 years I homeschooled my three children in Sonoma, we sometimes got curious looks as we were out and about on weekdays. “Home sick?” people might ask, taking a step back. Or, with a wink,... Continue

Editorial: It’s time for real leadership

The City of Sonoma used to lead the rest of the county by example. Its commitment to affordable housing was solid and substantial, it was the first city to enact a living wage, its position on the environment was progressive, and it took pride in... Continue

‘Caution’ signs posted on Russian River: algae toxins

‘Caution’ signs will be posted at all 10 public beaches along the Russian River after water tests by the Sonoma County Department of Health Services (DHS) indicated the presence of blue-green algae toxins. Though the river remains open for recreational use, the DHS warns that,... Continue

The weighty issue of school backpacks

By Anna Pier for the Sonoma Valley Sun  As parents get their children ready for a new school year, the backpack question begins to weigh heavy. The threat to children’s back health has been at the center of a perfect storm created by consumerism, an... Continue

Update: Sonoma Valley groundwater supply

(By Fred Allebach) -- The Sonoma Valley groundwater budget is in the red and one plan for future groundwater sustainability is to recharge Sonoma Valley aquifers with winter Russian River drinking water. The Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) has received a grant to drill monitoring wells... Continue