Accepting from honors from Congressman Mike Thompson is Dan Eraldi, whose family business, Eraldi’s Menswear & Shoes, is the longest active member of the Sonoma Chamber of Commerce -- 93 years and counting. The Chamber’s annual Salute to Sonoma event was held February 17 featured... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
The February 23 state-level meeting on closure of California’s Developmental Centers will be viewable live at at 1:30 p.m. Senator Mike McGuire, chair of the Senate Human Services Committee convened the hearing with Senator Holly Mitchell, Health and Human Services Budget Subcommittee chair, on the... Continue
The Sonoma Valley Health and Recreation Association (SVHRA), a.k.a. Sonoma Splash, the nonprofit organization working to build a community-access aquatic facility on Verano Avenue, will hold a town hall meeting to discuss plans and recent updates for the project on Wednesday, February 24, 6-7:30 p.m.... Continue
A video of a fight (brief, no injuries) at Sonoma High School last week has gone viral. School District staff contacted Facebook asking it to remove the video due to its violent content, and because minors were recognizable within the video. Facebook refused. The video... Continue
Congratulations to the Best of Sonoma Valley! Here are the 2015 winners, chosen by readers of the Sonoma Valley Sun 1. Best place to take your dog Sonoma Valley Regional Park 2. Best place to take visitors Sonoma Plaza 3. Best place to picnic Barthlomew... Continue
We in Sonoma enjoy a particular status as the location of the most northward of the Missions, and notably, the birthplace of the State of California. At the very center of the City of Sonoma, the Sonoma Barracks, now a State Park, provides constant testimony... Continue
In its meeting last night, Sonoma's City Council voted 3 to 2 to direct staff to develop a leaf blower ordinance which bans gas-powered leaf blowers but allows the continued use of electric leaf blowers. Various provisions for times-of-day for permitted uses were included in... Continue
The capital campaign for a community pool on Verano Avenue got off to a fast start, raising the $2.5 million needed to buy the property. Sonoma Splash, the nonprofit driving the effort, originally envisioned a complex that retained Paul’s Field as the home of the... Continue
In our Sonoma schools, we have clear and enforceable policies against bullying. However, both research and experience show that policies alone will not suffice. We have focused our anti-bullying efforts on educating and empowering peers to identify and respond to bullying. In this environment, the... Continue
By Louann Carlomagno, Superintendent, Sonoma Valley Unified School District -- In our Sonoma schools, we have clear and enforceable policies against bullying. However, both research and experience show that policies alone will not suffice. We have focused our anti-bullying efforts on educating and empowering peers to identify and respond... Continue