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Local Sonoma Valley News:

New American

Don Valente Ramos becomes a U.S. citizen at in swearing-in ceremony in San Francisco.    A faithful volunteer for years at La Luz Center, where he assists with the Friday food distribution and other projects, Ramos prepared for the November 16 exam in a citizenship class... Continue

More than 4,600 lbs of food donated for county residents

[caption id="attachment_60587" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Sonoma Raceway employees drop off food at Redwood Empire Food Bank (Photo: Sonoma Raceway)[/caption] Last week, Sonoma Raceway dropped off more than 4,600 pounds of non-perishable food at Redwood Empire Food Bank and Sonoma's own FISH (Friends In Sonoma Helping). The... Continue

Editorial: Government’s deafness on affordable housing

Despite the hand-wringing, pious statements, sympathy and woeful admissions that a lack of affordable housing is a serious problem, government - fulfilling Nixon's image of it as a "helpless, pitiful giant", is largely throwing its hands in the air while pleading poverty. The shame of... Continue

Remembering Niels

Friends and family of Niels Chew -- including Eric Ord, Jenny Chew Ord, Susan Chew and Lisa Chew -- gather at the Teen Services Sonoma building to dedicate a plaque in honor of Niels Chew and “his unwavering dedication, generosity, kindness and humility” towards teens.... Continue

Sonoma Valley Fund honors six nonprofits

Sonoma Valley Fund, in conjunction with its parent, Community Foundation Sonoma County, has awarded six 2015 Capacity Building Grant awards to Valley nonprofits exhibiting a commitment to organizational effectiveness. The six nonprofit organizations selected to receive the grant and participate in the program are ARTescape, Boys & Girls... Continue

Sonoma Valley rallies for climate change

A rally on Sonoma Plaza for action on climate change, hosted by Transition Sonoma Valley and the Earth Care Committee of the First Congregational Church, will part of a “Global Climate March” on Sunday, November 29. Beginning at noon, a pre-march rally will be held at... Continue

Murder suspect captured

The suspect in a double-homicide near Sebastopol was apprehended Monday at about 4:30 p.m. Authorities had been on the lookout for Nathan Alexander Wilson, 34, since he fled his home at 1220 Sexton Road, where the bodies of his parents were found dead at about 9:30 a.m. A citizen called into the Mendocino... Continue

Farmers’ market is Tuesday this week only (not Friday!)

[caption id="attachment_59702" align="alignright" width="161"] Awesome winter squash for sale at the Quarter Acre Farm stand at the a farmers' market (Photo: Quarter Acre Farms)[/caption] This week, the Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers Market will be Tuesday, November 24, instead of Friday. This is due to the... Continue

Broadway bound?

The latest plan for developing the vacant car lot at 870 Broadway in Sonoma calls for 25 housing units built in six clusters over the 1.86-acre parcel. Gone, the developer told the Sonoma Planning Commission in a study session, is the previous idea of a... Continue

Praise tradition and pass the gravy

The annual free Community Thanksgiving Dinner, hosted by the Sonoma Community Center and made possible by dozens of volunteers led by Gary Edwards and the Rotary Club, includes a traditional turkey dinner served buffet style. Doors at 3 p.m., dinner served until 4:30 p.m. Thursday,... Continue