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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Heads up: traffic advisory for raceway this weekend

The finale for the Verizon IndyCar series is this weekend at Sonoma Raceway. Thousands of racing fans will flock to wine country for the spectacle. Unless you're going to the track for any of the three days of events, we suggest you avoid the area.... Continue

In on the ground floor

Wondering what’s under construction on the long-vacant, quarter-acre lot on Highway 12 at Siesta Way, across from Fiesta Center? The mixed-use project will have 2,315 sq. ft. of ground floor office space, and two upper-story residential units. No tenants announced as yet.       Continue

Dreams for sale; the worst drug; and tastefully orange

Sonoma’s Field of Dreams baseball diamond on First Street West is owned by the City, but operated under a 55-year lease by the nonprofit Sonoma Valley Field of Dreams Association. Per the agreement, the intended use of the property is “for operation of playing fields... Continue

Three injured in food truck collision

An SUV and a food truck collided around 10:30 AM on Friday on Highway 12 in Kenwood near Warm Springs Road. The 2001 Chevy Suburban went over the double yellow lines and into traffic, crashing head on into a food truck. The food truck was... Continue

Dreams + experience = Empowered young adults

Any adult who ever held a summer or after-school job will tell you the experience put them ahead of other job-seekers later in life. Teen Services Sonoma (TSS) -- usually known for its Teen Center -- solves the “you need experience to get experience” conundrum.... Continue

Trees of Sonoma Plaza: The Cork Oak

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) the Cork Oak (Quercus suber), one of the trees of the Sonoma Plaza, is a priority species. Priority species are considered by WWF to be the most “ecologically, economically and/or culturally important species on our planet.” Indigenous to... Continue

Under the Sun: Dmitra Smith; musician, advocate

I once knew a Dmitri, but you're the first Dmitra I've met My mother was absolutely sure she'd have boy, but she got me. She was an avid reader and loved Russian writers, so Dmitri became Dmitra. Well, you're certainly not Russian. Where were you... Continue

Broadway, Shakespeare continue

August is suddenly live theatre month, with the opening of “Proof” and continuing productions at two different outdoor venues. On the hill in Glen Ellen, the Transcendence Theatre Company presents “Rhythm of Life,” the latest production of “Broadway Under the Stars.” The troupe is incredibly... Continue

Protecting Greenbelts in Sonoma

The need to renew and enhance the protection of greenbelts between towns and cities, the areas in which no major development can take place, will be presented to the Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission on Wednesday, August 26, by Greenbelt Alliance. “Community separators protect greenbelts... Continue

A chance encounter

Bumped into my old friend Vladimir Bupkis at the Sacred Grounds coffee shop in town. I stood on line to place my order. “What’ll you have, sir?” "Cup of coffee.” “What size: petit, grande or machismo?” “Just pour the crap in a cup and give... Continue