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Local Sonoma Valley News:

On the madness of it all

Once in its grip, the system tries to break them. Half-broken black men, hip-to-it brown men, not buying it Asians and rebellious usually stupid white ones. And the system knows how to break them, break them further. So when they get out of it, if... Continue

Photo essay: Vallejo & pals return to Buena Vista

This past weekend, Buena Vista Winery was host to some of the biggest names in American history - General Vallejo, Leland Stanford, Abraham Lincoln, and of course, Count Agoston Haraszthy, the founder of Buena Vista and the father of the California wine industry. I've always... Continue

Thompson slams water bill

U.S. Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-5) today voted against the House Majority’s California water bill, calling it “bad for California, bad for other states, and bad for our environment.” "The legislation would jeopardize jobs in and north of the Delta, undermine existing state law, and override... Continue

LGBTQI in Sonoma Valley? Take this survey!

[caption id="attachment_54095" align="aligncenter" width="420"] The Sonoma County LGBTQI Task Force wants to hear from you! (Sarah Stierch, CC BY 4.0)[/caption] Are you Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning and/or Intersex and living in Sonoma Valley? If so, the Sonoma County LGBTQI Task Force wants you... Continue

SDC hearing is Saturday in Sonoma

The Department of Developmental Services will hold  a public meeting on the  transformation of Sonoma Developmental Center on Saturday, July 18, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Sonoma Valley High School. The hearing is one of the steps required by Senate Bill 82, signed by the governor... Continue

West Nile virus detected in Petaluma

The Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District (MSMVCD) has confirmed its first West Nile virus (WNv) positive mosquito sample for 2015. The mosquitoes were collected in the vicinity of Cypress Drive, South McDowell Boulevard, and the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility in Petaluma. Mosquito control... Continue

Planning for winter warmth

The Sonoma Blanket Brigade, including member Darlene Torri, invites members of the community to become part of team making and providing blankets to nonprofit groups during the holiday season. The brigade, now its seventh year, meets at the Vintage House Senior Center throughout the year... Continue

Sonomans are the most distracted drivers in the state

[caption id="attachment_54676" align="aligncenter" width="420"] A distracted driver with a baby on board (dizzylizzy1227, CC BY NC 2.0)[/caption] A new report released by the California Office of Traffic Safety and the University of California, Berkeley's Safe Transportation Research and Education Center reports that Sonoma County has... Continue

Music fest ‘Locals Deal’ today at Sonoma Chevrolet

Erika Pulida, with Sonoma Chevrolet's Dan Roseland looking on, closes a sale this morning for discounted tickets to the 2015 Sonoma Music Festival. The $47 base priced, standing room only tickets are on sale at the dealership's cashier window at, 687 W. Napa Street in Sonoma. Residents... Continue

Rebooted ‘Relay for Life’ on track for August 1

In California, 133,060 people will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and 53,565 will die. Where can one person make difference in lowering those numbers? The annual Relay for Life. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society's nationwide signature event, and the Sonoma outing,... Continue