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Local Sonoma Valley News:

New hotel proposed to Sonoma Planning Comm

[caption id="attachment_53370" align="aligncenter" width="420"] BEFORE: The proposed changes to be made, which includes the removal of redwood and oak trees, the printing plant metal building to be demolished, and more ( Kenwood Investments, LLC, 2014; Ross, Drulis, Cusenbery, 2014.)[/caption] A June 25 City of Sonoma Planning... Continue

Two-car wreck on Broadway

Traffic on Broadway in Sonoma is back to normal after an accident involving two cars -- one of which spun into a front yard at the corner of Newcomb Street -- at about 3:15 this afternoon. The other car, an older American sedan, smashed into a... Continue

Large crowd shares concerns at housing forum

(By Anna Pier) Over 100 people, Anglos and Latinos together, attended Wednesday night’s Fair Housing Forum. They came to El Verano School with their stories and concerns, their despair and their hopes, and they shared them in Spanish and English. In welcoming remarks, Davin Cárdenas of... Continue

Sangiacomos honored as ‘Farm Family of the Year’

The Sangiacomo Family, a multi-generational Sonoma Valley family respected for their land stewardship, agriculture leadership and dedication to growing world-class grapes, is being honored as Sonoma County Farm Bureau's Farm Family of the year. Third generation farmers Mike and Steve Sangiacomo and their sister Mia... Continue

Meet the Library director

Brett Lear, Sonoma County library director, hosts a morning of coffee, conversation and listing at the Sonoma Valley Regional Library on Friday, June 19, at 10 a.m. The free event is an opportunity for members of the public to have direct interaction with the principal... Continue

Land use

The native people who lived here in this valley and in the surrounding hillsides and low-lying mountains used the land for their needs – water, food and shelter – and over time discovered uses for plants besides as food. They knew which plants could heal... Continue

Night road work on Route 12 in Sonoma

Caltrans has two more nights of roadwork on the state highway through Sonoma: Wednesday night, June 17, from Donald Street/Main Street to Lomita Avenue and Thursday night, June 18 from Lomita Avenue to West Spain Street. Motorists should expect brief delays of approximately five minutes while... Continue

Free NASCAR shuttle from the Plaza during race weekend

Next weekend the Sonoma Raceway, in partnership with the Sonoma Valley Visitor's Bureau and Sonoma County Tranist, will offer a free shuttle for race fans attending the Toyota/Save Mart 350 next weekend. The shuttle will run on Friday, June 26 and raceday, Saturday, June 27 from... Continue

Optimistic Supes pass record budget

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved its first two-year budget Tuesday, pegging Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 at $1.45 billion, up from $1.3 billion for the current budget. The budget reflects a strong financial position for the County, stated spokesperson Rebecca Wachsberg, due to fiscal... Continue

Sidewalks for Glen Ellen

Sidewalk work and construction is underway on Arnold Drive in Glen Ellen, from the bridge to the corner of Warm Springs. There will be intermittent shoulder closures, says the County, with minimal impacts to traffic, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p,m. Continue