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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Pink Moon will be a beautiful sight in Sonoma

[caption id="attachment_48248" align="alignnone" width="420"] Last April's total lunar eclipse (Photo credit: Anne Dirkse, CC BY SA 4.0)[/caption] "I saw it written and I saw it say, pink moon is on its way," - Pink Moon, Nick Drake California will be the best place on the US mainland... Continue

Report: Sonoma Valley Hospital has $104 million economic impact

Sonoma Valley Hospital generates $104 million in total economic activity and supports 658 jobs within the hospital and in other business sectors, according to a new study commissioned by the hospital. “Hospitals in general are an important part of the economic engine for a region,... Continue

Return of the boarding house

The Sonoma City Council on April 6 will officially hear the first of an ordinance, drafted by the Planning Commission and submitted basically under protest, dealing with Boarding Rooms – a dusty old term now meant to describe a short-term rental in an owner-occupied, single-family... Continue

Sonoma Developmental Center: A future in the balance

(By Will Shonbrun) Changes are coming to the Sonoma Developmental Center – but what kind, and when? The unknowns -- forced by a state mandate to close the facility within 10 years – were the focus of a public meeting convened and chaired by the center’s... Continue

First signs of growth on Valley vines

Bud-Break is very early this year. Normally only the early varieties like Chardonnay and Pinot Noir show signs in March, but this year is totally different -- even the late Red Varieties are emerging. (Bud-Break, a term used to describe the tender young green shoots... Continue

Transcendence Theatre opens June 19

Transcendence Theatre Company’s "Broadway Under The Stars," a series of award-winning concerts featuring accomplished Broadway and Hollywood performers, returns to Jack London State Park on Friday, June 19. Last year’s season included performers from Broadway hits including “Wicked,” “Les Miserables,” “Gypsy,” “Mary Poppins,” “Mamma Mia”... Continue

Library board seeks youth member

The Sonoma Valley Library Advisory Board is accepting applications for a local teenager, in grades 9-12, to become a member of the board. The deadline for applications is Thursday, April 30. The board is a citizen committee that serves to advise the Library Commission on... Continue

Film Fest announces winners, rolls credits

The Sonoma International Film Festival’s 18th edition came to a rousing close Sunday night following five spectacular days that featured a wide variety of films from around the world, infused with gourmet food and the best of local wines. “We are already looking forward to... Continue