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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Sonoma’s annual Student Artist Award

Sonoma Valley High School graduate Jeffrey Peterson, now a third year undergrad at the University of the Pacific, is the recipient of the 2015 Student Creative Art Award. The annual award was announced today by the Sonoma Cultural and Fine Arts Commission. Applicants submitted a... Continue

Willmar's grief services to continue under new agency

Services offered by the WillMar Family Grief & Healing Center, the Sonoma-based nonprofit slated to cease operations in March, will be undertaken by Social Advocates for Youth. “We are pleased to announce that under SAY's leadership WillMar services for grieving children will continue uninterrupted in... Continue

Foraging fields of green at Benziger Family Winery

[caption id="attachment_45194" align="alignright" width="420"] Foraging at Benziger Family Winery[/caption] "How allergic are you to poison oak?" Chris Benziger asked me as we both hunched over, trudging slowly, ankle deep, in a muddy forest on his family's winery property. "I don't know if I am, and... Continue

Crashing the Grange

The Sonoma Valley Grange Hall is a wreck -- as planned. Renovation of the Hall, at 18627 Highway 12 in the Springs, started off with a bang February 21 as a team of dedicated Grangers starting demolition on the 100+year old building. The Grange Hall... Continue

Fresh fashion

With the Trashion Fashion show just around the corner, Sonoma Market celebrates its sponsorship of the annual event with an in-store display of a gown created by Margaret Hatcher, resident artist at the Sonoma Community Center.  In keeping with the theme of using recycled materials,... Continue

Sonoma legislators: Don’t close SDC

Sonoma County’s Legislative Delegation and Supervisor Susan Gorin respond to the Legislative Analyst Office report that advises closing the Sonoma Developmental Center.  As the state legislators and county supervisor representing Sonoma County and the Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC), we were very concerned to read the... Continue

Presentation School Presents "Into the Woods"

“Into the Woods” is a musical based on the book by James Lapine and includes lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. There are three performances 3/19, 3/20, and 3/21. Thursday and Friday evenings will star the entire student body while Saturday's show is the middle school cast... Continue

VinOlivo Weekend: Grand Tasting

GRAND TASTING Saturday, March 14 | 7:00pm to 10:00pm | 6:30 VIP early access Presented by The Lodge at Sonoma General Admission: $75 per person | VIP: $95 per person At the door: $85 per person Experience the most anticipated wine event of the season.... Continue

Sonoma 2040

What will life be like in the Sonoma Valley in the year 2040? Contribute to our March 5 issue by taking a look forward (in 200 words or less). The environment, economy, quality of life? What awaits us? Send your thoughts and predictions to Continue

First look at new trails

After two decades of planning, the Bay Area Ridge Trail has been extended over Sonoma Mountain and into Jack London State Historic Park. The new 1.2-mile East Slope Trail, which will open officially on March 14, opens land never before accessible to the public to... Continue