After eight years as executive director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley, David Pier has resigned, effective February 1. “It has been a fulfilling and rewarding experience, complete with successes/challenges and, most importantly, with deep and lasting impact for the youth of... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Calling current FDA actions inadequate, a bipartisan group including U.S. Reps Mike Thompson and Jared Huffman have introduced legislation to prevent genetically engineered (GE) fish from being sold in stores or released into the nation’s oceans. H.R. 394, the Prevention of Escapement of Genetically Altered... Continue
The City of Sonoma will honor Marcie Waldron, its 2015 Alcaldessa, at a January 29 reception at Vintage House. The a ceremonial title recognizes outstanding community service, and selfless, behind-the-scenes work for a nonprofit organization. Waldron’s has served as president of the Board of Directors... Continue
How does water shape us, and how do we shape water? For “Watermark,” multiple-award winning filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nick de Pencier, working with photographer Edward Burtynsk, traveled the world to document human interaction with water. Good (rice terraces, as shown above; pristine wetlands), bad... Continue
El Verano resident John Daman Hatley, 55, was killed November 16 when his Porsche Boxster veered into oncoming traffic on Highway 12 near Dunbar Road in Glen Ellen. California Highway Patrol said Hatley had been speeding and driving erractically before losing control of his vehicle... Continue
El Verano Elementary School has been selected as one of five schools nationwide to win the NutriLiving®#BetheNextUNI contest, which focused on promoting healthy eating among school children. El Verano submitted an application and video creatively showcasing the importance of a healthy diet and why they... Continue
Ever thought about becoming a mentor? Now is the perfect time to put those thoughts into action, according to Kathy Witkowicki, executive director of the Mentoring Alliance. “There are 130 local children in our public schools on the waiting list, hoping to be matched with... Continue
Vendor applications for the Tuesday night Sonoma Plaza Farmers' Market are due by February 1, a date earlier than usual to allow confirmed vendors more time to prepare for the May 5 opening. "Vendor applications are due one month earlier than in past years," said... Continue
Sonoma Valley Hospital will offer a series of Childbirth Preparation classes, providing an overview of labor, childbirth and post care, to begin Tuesday, February 3. Among the topics to be covered will be: relaxation and movement; pregnancy wellness; lactation and breastfeeding; and how your partner... Continue
John Barcojo, 89, of Sonoma, passed away December 5, 2014. Stephen Benko, 90, of Sonoma, passed away December 15, 2014. James H. Borgna, 72, of Sonoma, passed away December 3, 2014. Judee Anne Curley, 60, of Sonoma, passed away December 30, 2014. David D’Shone, 67,... Continue