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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Death notices

Beverley Elizabeth Armstrong, 85, of Sonoma, passed away on October 28, 2014. Elliott George Bernacchi, 84, of Eldridge, passed away on October 5, 2014. Colleen Deidre Dunaway-Ramirez, 59, of Sonoma, passed away on October 28, 2014 . Donna J. Lewis, 79, of Sonoma, passed away... Continue

Beyond conservation: The future of Sonoma Valley water

(Tito Sasaki/Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Water costs more than gasoline in many parts of Middle East. When I was working in Kuwait and Qatar some 30 years ago, I was always impressed by Bedouin boys who made a living by washing several dust-coated cars with... Continue

'Youth of the Year' finalists

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley will present its fifth annual Youth of the Year award on November 20, the organization’s premier recognition program. The finalists are Franklin Franco, Marlen Rojas, Maribel Campos, and Yvette Lopez. Thanks to the generosity of the August... Continue

A matter of life or death

(Reader opinion by Will Shonbrun.) His blue eyes and engaging 13-year-old-I’m-hip smile stare back at you. It’s the now too familiar face of young Andy Lopez. Then, juxtaposed on the same newspaper page, illuminated from below by hand-held memorial candles is a photo of intense,... Continue

Another harvest: Olives

Every year in November we begin harvesting our second crop in Sonoma, Olives. The olive oil production in Sonoma Valley has increased over the years and this year is not an exception. So how do you harvest an olive tree? There are two different methods... Continue

No rush to open your heart

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  I moved into the area a few months ago from Texas, and I have enjoyed reading your column ever since.  I’m writing to you because you seem to be sensitive to the issues people have regarding family and the roll pets play... Continue

The picture of health

Seven months after a complex surgery that saved him from paralysis, Sonoma photographer Adrian Hyman presents Dr. Brian Su with a huge panorama photograph for the suregon’s Marin County offices. The photo is one of three large-format works, including images of Mt. Tamalpais taken from... Continue

Skeptic's notebook: City Council election 2014

(Reader opinion by Bob Edwards). After each election it’s considered good journalistic form to congratulate the winners and thank the losers. Faux gloss, however, is out of favor except in “Sonoma Magazine” where it’s considered poor form to even hint at the shin-kicking, eye-gouging reality... Continue

Scouts collect food for FISH

The annual Scouting for Food drive for FISH (Friends in Sonoma Helping) is underway throughout Sonoma Valley. The Cub Scouts of Pack 16 and Boy Scouts in Troops 16 and 222 will distribute bags and flyers onto some 1,200 doorsteps, hoping to come back to... Continue

Highway 12 park to add pristine acreage

A view of the Mayacama from the Curreri property in Glen Ellen, the 29-acre parcel soon to become part of the adjacent Sonoma Valley Regional Park along Highway 12. The $1.1 million deal was funded by the Sonoma Land Trust and the County Ag &... Continue