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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Skeptic's notebook: City Council election 2014

(Reader opinion by Bob Edwards). After each election it’s considered good journalistic form to congratulate the winners and thank the losers. Faux gloss, however, is out of favor except in “Sonoma Magazine” where it’s considered poor form to even hint at the shin-kicking, eye-gouging reality... Continue

Scouts collect food for FISH

The annual Scouting for Food drive for FISH (Friends in Sonoma Helping) is underway throughout Sonoma Valley. The Cub Scouts of Pack 16 and Boy Scouts in Troops 16 and 222 will distribute bags and flyers onto some 1,200 doorsteps, hoping to come back to... Continue

Highway 12 park to add pristine acreage

A view of the Mayacama from the Curreri property in Glen Ellen, the 29-acre parcel soon to become part of the adjacent Sonoma Valley Regional Park along Highway 12. The $1.1 million deal was funded by the Sonoma Land Trust and the County Ag &... Continue

A closer look at sustainable agriculture

What exactly is “sustainable agriculture?” One definition is producing food today in ways that protect our ability to produce food tomorrow, thereby providing for a more secure future for the planet. Discussing the concept will be UC Davis Professors James F. Quinn and Patrick Huber,... Continue

Food drive in high gear

Donations to Sonoma Raceway’s 14th annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, through Nov. 24, will this year be distributed to Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH) and the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano. Non-perishable food items may be dropped off at these Valley locations: • Sonoma... Continue

La Luz honored

Supervisor Susan Gorin, center, presents La Luz Center with a North Bay Leadership Council’s Leadership Award. Accepting the “Empowering the Latino Community – Excellence within the Latino Community” Award are Board President Anna Pier, right, and Executive Director Juan Hernandez. "This award is just one... Continue

Sonoma City Council results

Gary Edwards, Madolyn Agrimonti and Rachel Hundley emerged from a field of eight candidates Tuesday to win seats on the Sonoma City Council. Ken Brown, the only incumbent on the ballot, finished fourth, ending a 16-year run as a councilmember. Edwards, a member of the... Continue

Mentor recruitment reception

Growing up, who mentored you? Was it your favorite coach, your favorite teacher, perhaps a neighbor or family friend? “We all had adults in our life that we knew we could turn to for advice, guidance, counsel or just a helping hand,” said Kathy Witkowicki,... Continue

After insanity ploy, deadly DUI driver gets 25 years

After a trial delayed by his pretending to mentally ill, Damodar Chandradas, 26, was sentenced to 25 years in state prison for the October 29, 2013 collision on Highway 121 that killed one and injured two others. Last month, Chandradas pled guilty to all 16... Continue

Teen ensemble forms for next musical

The Sonoma Theatre Alliance’s Teens ‘N Training (TNT) program is offering a series of Ensemble Training Workshops on Sundays in November and December that will culminate in a full production of “Carrie: The Musical” in February 2015. Newly appointed TNT Education Director Libby Oberlin, MA... Continue