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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Who let the dogs in?

Dr. Forsythe: I recently attended my nephew’s wedding in Malibu.  It was one of those events where there were over 500 guests in attendance, and we were driven to the venue on the beach in special cars.  Everything was truly splendid with the ceremony with... Continue

The Sun recommends

Agrimonti, Stuckey and Wagner for City Council. There you have it; the three candidates we are endorsing for Sonoma City Council in this upcoming election. Suspense over. Our reasons why takes a bit more space, so please read on. Sonoma, like the rest of the... Continue

New winery; latest hotel; Hitchcock costumes and more

The newest state of Wine Country is Bennett Valley, where, on Sonoma Mountain Road, Belden Barns Winery will become the area’s first. The Board of Supervisors approved the 10k-case facility and (10,000 lb. a year) cheese factory by a 4-1 vote. The lone dissent came... Continue

Cocktail throwdown

The team from Aventine Glen Ellen concocts an original cocktail at the eight annual Sonoma Bar Battle. Twelve teams, using just-revealed ingredients such as Pineapple Gum Syrup and Spicy Shrub, wowed judges at Veterans Building, with Murphy’s Irish Pub emerging as “Sonoma’s Best Bartender.” Second... Continue

Robot goes on duty at SV Hospital

Bill and Gerry Brinton and SVH CEO Kelly Mather pose with the Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot the Brintons donated to the hospital. The robot uses pulsed xenon ultraviolet light to quickly destroy bacteria, viruses, mold and other pathogens in patient areas throughout the hospital. Sonoma is... Continue

No-cost mammogram program at SV Hospital

Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Women’s Health Center is offering no-cost mammograms for uninsured and underinsured Sonoma Valley women over the age of 40 during October. The screening program, known as Project Pink, is made available as a community service through a special grant from the Sonoma... Continue

Plan ‘the conversation’ about advance health care

Don’t put off making your health care wishes known, warns Gary Johanson, M.D., medical director of Palliative Care Services and Memorial Hospice for St. Joseph Health of Sonoma County. “Now is the time to speak up, because when facing a life-threatening illness or injury, more... Continue

'Day of the Dead' at Sonoma Barracks

California State Parks, in cooperation with Sonoma/Petaluma State Historic Parks Association, proudly announces, Dia De Los Muertos, Day of the Dead, on Saturday, November 1 from noon to 4 pm. Come to Mission San Francisco Solano to help celebrate Dia De Los Muertos, the historic... Continue

Stompers catcher named MVP

Sonoma High grad and Valley native Jayce Ray was named the Pacific Association’s Most Valuable Player on Wednesday after his remarkable 2014 season. Ray, 24, led the Pacific Association with his .355 batting average, his .483 on-base percentage was tops in the league, and he... Continue