Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch is urging Sonoma County residents to be aware of a telephone scam occurring throughout Sonoma County, including several reported Sonoma Valley incidents. The shakedown works like this: a person calls and states he is from the Jury Commissioner’s Office,... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Charitable events combined to raise more than $77,000 for Sonoma County non-profit groups during the 27th NHRA Sonoma Nationals at Sonoma Raceway, July 25-27. The proceeds from the majority of events will benefit Sonoma County youth organizations through the Sonoma Chapter of Speedway Children’s Charities,... Continue
Kathy Witkowicki, founder and executive director of the Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance, has been named one of five women across the country to receive “Traditional Home” magazine’s 2014 Classic Woman Award. The award is given annually to women who, in the judges’ opinion, best represent... Continue
Without all the alcohol, it might simply have been two young, independent and sassy women enjoying a night on the town. Add booze, however, and you get two stumbling, shrieking drunks fighting each other in the street -- plus a bust for resisting arrest. The... Continue
At its annual board of director’s meeting on July 16, Sonoma Valley Dog Owners & Guardians (SVDOG) welcomed new board member Shelley Richey and elected its officers for the coming year. Founded in 2007, SVDOG is a 501c3 educational organization dedicated to promoting the welfare... Continue
By Heather Morgan -- It's that time of year again. As we near grape harvest, the vineyards are being sprayed all over the Valley, mostly at night, when we are asleep. Have you ever thought about what they are spraying and what that might do... Continue
Public education in one form or another has been alive and well in this country for nearly 370 years. In fact, in 1647, the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony decreed that every town of 50 or more families should have an elementary school,... Continue
Vintage 2014 has been a great season up to date. Sure there’s been more wind than usual, and had some showers over last weekend, but all in all it has been a great season so far. If all goes as planned, harvest will be two... Continue
Other than the quality meats, produce and customer service, why has Lorraine Wedekind, in white, shopped at Broadway Market since it opened in 1974? “Somebody’s got to tell them what to do,” quips the longtime Sonoma resident, who remembers when the space was a blacksmith... Continue
As generous as he is camera shy, Mike Thoreson dropped by the Hanna Boys Center campus Tuesday to see his donation -- $70,000 for laptops, one for every student – at work. The donation came about when Bob Figone, a Hanna boardmember, happened to recently... Continue