After a month long road trip to begin the franchise’s inaugural season, the Sonoma Stompers finally came home to a capacity crowd at Arnold Field in Sonoma Tuesday night. The home team, in its first home game ever, delighted 1,302 fans with a 7-5 win... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Sonoma Mayor Tom Rouse was the first to purchase of a book of six Golden Raffle Tickets from Cynthia Scarborough, Vintage House Executive Director. The fundraising drive wil benefit the Local Independent Mobility Options (LIMO) program, among others. LIMO helps non-driving Sonoma Valley seniors maintain... Continue
In a field of 15 teams, the Sonoma Valley All-Stars went 3-1 and were the consolation round champions of the annual Mark West AAA All-Star Tournament. Sonoma beat Petaluma Valley 15-5 behind a complete game from Adrian Buckley and a home run by Kahlil Villias-Martinis,... Continue
Most people think that the wine industry has two totally different sides: the viticulture, or growing, side and the wine making side. This is not true at all here in Sonoma. Here there is combined effort to make a great wine. It’s true that most... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I am becoming convinced that my husband is up to no good, thanks to some peculiar behaviors of our cat, Muffin Top. Ever since my husband, Bill (not his real name) has been keeping later and later hours at the office, the... Continue
The Sonoma Garden Park’s Seasonal Harvest Market is now open every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Located at 19996 Seventh Street East, just north of Denmark the market has a bountiful variety of sustainably grown produce as well as flowers, honey and eggs... Continue
If you haven’t yet received notice, you will soon have a choice of electricity provider: the default option being Sonoma Clean Power (SCP), the County’s own agency, or PG&E, which used to be Latin for ‘monopoly.’ Now that there’s competition, the business rivalry is starting... Continue
Sonoma Valley Hospital has been recognized for its environmentally-friendly practices by the national organization Practice Greenhealth. Celebrating the 2014 “Greenhealth Partner for Change” Award are members of the hospital’s Green Team: James Kohler; Karen Clark; Laura Gallmeyer; Nancy Large; Kimberly Drummond; and Allan Sendaydiego. To... Continue
Teenager Christine Alverez takes the keys to her new car from Sonoma Chevrolet’s Dan Roseland, his annual donation to the Sonoma High School grad night raffle. In a tradition begun by Bob Nobles, the dealership gets a used car in top shape – this year,... Continue
The nonprofit organization Impact100 Sonoma awarded its $100,000 Impact Grant to Redwood Empire Food Bank -- and $139,000 to nine other area nonprofits -- at its fifth annual meeting on Saturday. Members of the philanthropic group heard presentations from three finalists, then voted the $100k... Continue