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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Brewed awakening

Joseph Shoemaker, who operates Sonoma’s new Dutch Bros. Coffee outlet with wife Mackenzie, takes a break during a busy opening weekend. On Friday, May 16, the full crew of 16 baristas served free coffee all day at Broadway and Andrieux. On Saturday, the Shoemakers donated... Continue

Memorial Day 2014

Sonoma’s 56th Memorial Day observance will be held on Monday, May 26. Events begin at 11 a.m. with a grand march of the flags of all services into the Veterans Cemetery on First Street West. The guest speaker will be Gen. Joseph P. Hoar, USMC... Continue

Market report

A bite-by-bite review of all the great prepared food being served up this year at the Tuesday Night Farmers's Market. Continue

Death notices

Nelly Avila, 73, of Sonoma, passed away on April 15, 2014. Charles L. Beltz, 79, of Sonoma, passed away on April 1, 2014. Jerry Taylor Cawdrey, 83, of Sonoma, passed away on April 23, 2014. Kip Michael Garcia, 63, of Sonoma, passed away on April... Continue

The big picture

Amelia Lee, 10, and Chelsea Young, 9, add their own flourishes to the annual, weeklong mural project at Dunbar School. When completed, this year’s panel, called “Explore and Discover,” becomes an interactive teaching tool about water in nature, explained art coordinator Beth Bierman. Mendocino artist... Continue

Teens at-potential, not at-risk

(By Gina Cuclis) “Employing teens, encouraging dreams” is the slogan of Sonoma Valley Teen Services. While the sign outside the building at 17440 Sonoma Highway in Boyes Hot Springs still has the old name, Valley of the Moon Teen Center, the programs inside have evolved... Continue

Sonoma, where every room is a tasting room

Your B&B room can now come with a bottle of wine, the Sonoma Planning Commission decided, okaying the Cottage Inn’s plan to build the cost of a bottle of wine into its room rate. Do the suites come with cheese, too? Running in place? That... Continue

Police Report: Is everybody drunk?

Rude drunk stains public event A drunk slurping from a can of PBR at the first Tuesday Night Farmers’ Market remained defiant when police noted that he had urinated in his pants. “So what if I did?” queried the Sonoma man, 30, on probation with... Continue

You itch what you eat

It is often said you are what you eat, and this is also true for our four legged friends. Unfortunately, the itchy problem of food allergies can make a pet and his guardian alike go bonkers, the pet scratching for relief and the owner going... Continue

Leaf blower, the movie

(By Walt Williams). Shooting starts next week, it’s a micro tale of small town politics but what it really represents is a warning for the world of industrial capitalism keeping the little guy down. A haggard Johnny Depp plays mayor Ken Brown, a man so... Continue