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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Moment in The Sun

The 2014 Sweetheart Gala & Auction honoring Dale Downing and Don Shone is sold out, so the Boys & Girls Club of Sonoma Valley is especially grateful to the community, and generous sponsors, for supporting the event honoring the prominent business partners. It was July... Continue

There is a roads tax coming

Guest opinion by Jack Atkin. Sonoma County in recent years has been exploring ways to finance a higher level of road maintenance than can currently be paid from the county’s general fund. Accordingly, taxpayers can expect in the near future a ballot measure imposing some... Continue

Forum: Affordable Care Act

Abraham Daniels from the Sonoma County Department of Health Services will give a presentation about the Affordable Care Act and its implementation in Sonoma County on Monday, January 27, The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Seven Flags Club House, 300 International Boulevard,... Continue

It's not just you… it really is dry in here

County water officials say they have been preparing for what Governor Jerry Brown has now declared as official – the state is in a drought emergency. Calling for all citizens to voluntarily reduce water use by 20 percent, Brown made the announcement at a January... Continue

Plan to reduce flooding, recharge groundwater

A plan to reduce flooding in Fryer Creek while recharging groundwater in the city of Sonoma will be discussed at a community meeting on Wednesday, January 29. The project, centered on a retention basin in an existing Montini Preserve pasture, is funded in part by... Continue

Temporary reprieve for hospital Obstetrics program

A budget-saving proposal to close Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Obstetrics is on hold after the discovery of a new funding source, according to hospital officials. CEO Kelly Mather proposed closing the unit, which she said loses $86,000 per month, to the board of directors two weeks... Continue

Sonoma Valley Fund expands board

Sonoma Valley Fund, an affiliate of Community Foundation Sonoma County, has elected five new community leaders to its board: Barbara Hughes; Penney Magrane, Valerie Pistole; Mandy Bolling; and Richard Dale. “Each of these new board members brings enormous experience and a wealth of community knowledge... Continue

Death notices

Mary Catherine Adams, of Sonoma, passed away on December 28, 2013. Willard J. Bailin, 89, of Sonoma, passed away on December 22, 2013. Janis Carlson Blackburn, 85, of Sonoma, passed away on December 30, 2013. E. Lorraine Cocoros, 82, of Sonoma, passed away on November... Continue

Man crushed by tractor in Glen Ellen

A man driving a bulldozer on a Glen Ellen jobsite Friday was killed when he thrown off and then run over by the moving tractor. The victim is identified as a 38-year-old independent contractor from Oakland. The Sheriff's Office is withholding his name pending notification... Continue