A man driving a bulldozer on a Glen Ellen jobsite Friday was killed when he thrown off and then run over by the moving tractor. The victim is identified as a 38-year-old independent contractor from Oakland. The Sheriff's Office is withholding his name pending notification... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Greetings of the season, Sonoma. Have you made your resolutions for 2014? I'll bet if you look back at your New Year’s resolutions over the past several years, and perhaps even longer, they’ve all been pretty similar. If not, great, that means you either accomplished... Continue
Gina Cuclis on the upcoming campaign. Continue
The Valley of the Moon Garden Club welcomes its new board and officers for 2014. Pictured, from left in the back row, are board members Lynne Joiner, Linda Garaicotchea, Siga Weber, and treasurer, Linda Bergman. Front row: Helaine Forte, Vice-President, Johanna Patri, President, and Susan... Continue
As Impact100 Sonoma members gathered at their annual Education Forum, applause erupted as president Sydney Randazzo announced, “We have done it again – we beat the 200 mark two years in a row! This year, 231 women have joined Impact100 Sonoma, which means that on... Continue
These members of the Sonoma Valley Vintners and Growers Alliance were winners of the San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition.
Best of Class, Red:
R2 Wine Company - 2012 Pinot Noir - Black Pine Pinot Noir
B.R. Cohn Winery - 2010 Zinfandel - Sonoma Valley
... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: What would you say to somebody who is so obsessed with her dogs that she doesn’t have anything left to give to the people in her life? I just got back from a visit with my aunt Agnes in Atlanta, and I... Continue
A man using a California ID in the name of "Ryan Mahoney" used bogus credit cards to make purchases at three jewelry stores in the city of Sonoma on Monday and Tuesday. In each case, "Mahoney" told store employees that he wanted to buy something... Continue
The Sacramento County Coroner's Office has confirmed that David Corona, 18, of Sonoma, died Tuesday in a one-car crash in northwestern Sacramento. The driver of a 1997 Acura Integra was traveling in the Natomas area at about 6:12 a.m. when he lost control of the... Continue
As to AT&T’s informal appeal to the City Council to reconsider its denial of an 80-foot cell tower on Lovall Valley Road, the panel, with a 4-1 vote, announced that it was disinclined to acquiesce to that request. In other words, in this case Councilmember... Continue