[caption id="attachment_22547" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="The Temple Lodge No. 14 officers for 2011 are, from left: Jack Heard, Frank Wiebusch, Ian Kruljac, Richard Smith, Victor E. Hipkiss, Rodney Beck (Master), Gustav Hobel, Karl Hipkiss, Robert Leonard, Christopher Garcia, and Eugene Schulteiss. Photo by David Reber"][/caption] Temple... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
With a creation created by designer, baker and culinary architect Rose Fanucchi, Larson Family Winery has been named the annual Sonoma Valley Gingerbread Winery Contest. Kenwood Vineyards took second place, and B.R. Cohn finished third. The contest is determined by votes from tasting-room visitors in... Continue
Dogs walked their people along the bike path near Vallejo House as the sun came out Sunday morning. Similar weather is expected, chilly nights included, until rain clouds move back in on Tuesday. Continue
The use of leaf blowers in Sonoma will be restricted under a tighter noise ordinance, the city council has ruled, but there will be no ban on the machine’s use by city crews. In October the council endorsed a one-year moratorium for public works assignments... Continue
An urban geyser erupted when a 63-year-old Sonoma ran his pickup truck into a hydrant on Broadway near MacArthur last week. The man was not injured in the collision. Photo courtesy of Sonoma Police Department. Continue
Folk artist John McCutcheon has the chops; he plays every instrument in the genre’s arsenal, including guitar, banjo, autoharp, dulcimer, fiddle and Jew's harp. (Johnny Cash called McCutcheon “the most impressive instrumentalist I’ve ever heard.”) He’s also got an ear for the American story, a... Continue
Recognition awards for Sonoma Valley Hospital staff were recently presented at a holiday party. Here, with comments from hospital administration, are the recipients: Compassion: Attention and support of patients and visitors to SVH. Karen Weir: Everything about Karen shows that she cares and patients sense... Continue
The hobo cabaret that is the Yard Dogs Road Show brings its merry band of sword swallowers, dancing dolls, fire-eaters, live music and hippie-cowboy poets to the Sebastiani Theatre on Jan. 16 and 17. The self-described “union of ancient theatrical alchemy and modern pop culture”... Continue
Happy New Year, Sonoma! It’s Shape-Up time, and we want you! As a health coach and one of the organizers of Shape-Up Sonoma, I invite you to join us by visiting our website, signing a comittment contract, setting goals, making a weekly action plan, and... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have a very old cat that suffers from a heart ailment and is very delicate. Thank God she has not needed to be put under anesthesia for any reason, but I am really worried if she ever needed a surgery what... Continue