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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Hospital makeover project halfway home

Only two months have passed since the hospital’s Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Makeover Committee kicked off a campaign to completely remodel all 15 rooms in the unit. With the fund drive surging over the halfway mark, the goal is already in sight. The committee has... Continue

Eagle project

[caption id="attachment_20273" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Staff photo "][/caption] As part of his Eagle project for Troop 222, Boy Scout Nick Ivanoff refurbished the playground benches at Adele Harrison Middle School. The project required sanding each of the wooden benches, replacing broken boards, sealing and painting them... Continue

Meadowcroft Wines come to Cornerstone Sonoma

Winemaker Tom Meadowcroft, owner of Meadowcroft Wines, has taken over the Roots In Sonoma tasting room at Cornerstone to showcase his three wine labels: Meadowcroft, Magito and Thomas Henry. Meadowcroft Wines has been housed at Roots In Sonoma since February. The changeover is effective as... Continue

Weight loss

Hello Sonoma, I guess the fact that you decided to read this means that you have some sort of interest in the topic of weight loss. I commend you for braving this vast and often confusing subject, as you search for a revelation in the... Continue

Get ready for Faith in Action day

[caption id="attachment_20146" align="alignright" width="281" caption="Two hundred St. Andrew Presbyterian volunteers turned out last year to participate in Faith in Action day. This year’s event takes place on Sunday with more than twice as many volunteers from five Valley churches getting involved. "][/caption] Quietly last year,... Continue

Teen art featured at Sonoma Valley Regional Library

During October the Sonoma Valley Regional Library will display art pieces created by Valley teens. The public is invited to meet the artists at the opening reception on Wednesday, October 6, from 5 to 7 p.m. Among the exhibited pieces – art and jewelry made... Continue

Courteous candidates begin to show differences

The gloves did not come off Tuesday night as the seven candidates for the Sonoma City Council agreed on nearly everything. Even David Cook, a self-described “cat guy,” joined the others in stating he would open the Overland Trail to leashed dogs. In a forum... Continue

Lively interaction for Day of the Dead art project

A Day of the Dead altar will slowly take shape outside of the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art this month as community members add personal offerings and effects. The project, growing ever bigger and more decorative, culminates with an October 31 gathering at the museum.... Continue

Arrest in Zino case

The driver suspected in the hit-and-run death of longtime Sonoma restaurateur Zino Mezoui turned himself in Wednesday to face felony vehicular manslaughter and other charges. Walter Nightingale, 30, is in Lake County Jail with a bail of $50,000. During his arraignment Friday, authorities disclosed that... Continue