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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Day at the beach for Wine Auction

The theme was Endless Summer, and the hilarity of the annual Sonoma Valley Harvest Wine Auction was indeed seemingly limitless. Still, you’d figure people would pay not to see the ‘Benziger Boys’ in bikini drag. But in a skit that proved they really can’t all... Continue

Marin carjacking victim escapes in Sonoma

A San Rafael man was carjacked late Saturday night and driven to Sonoma by two suspects who later robbed an El Verano convenience store. Still at large for the felony spree are Walter Diaz Ucan, 19, and Federico Chan Moo, 24, both of San Rafael.... Continue

SV Hospital welcomes new surgeon

[caption id="attachment_18820" align="alignright" width="199" caption="Dr. Scott Perryman"][/caption] Dr. Scott Perryman, Prima Medical Group’s new Stanford, Fellowship-Trained General Surgeon, will join Sonoma Valley hospital’s growing team of surgeons next week. It can’t come soon enough. “I’m just so happy to be here,” he said. “I’m excited... Continue

Witkowicki honored by Girl Scouts of Northern California

[caption id="attachment_18812" align="alignleft" width="215" caption="Kathy Witkowicki"][/caption] Kathy Witkowicki, Executive Director for the Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance, has been named the 2010 Jewel of a Woman by Girl Scouts of Northern California. She will share the honor with the Executive Director of Mentor Me Petaluma, Val... Continue

Two vehicle accident

A two vehicle accident sent two drivers to Sonoma Valley Hospital on Monday night. The accident at approximately 8:35 pm involved two cars: a Honda westbound on Napa Road that collided with a Ford Bronco traveling eastbound and making a left turn onto Broadway. While... Continue

CFO: Hospital bond money is safe

The $22.9 million in a hospital account at Sonoma Valley Bank, an amount far beyond any federal insurance protection, is “rock solid” despite the failure of the bank, a hospital official said Thursday. The money was from the sale of voter-authorized general obligation bonds. It... Continue

Marin carjacking victim escapes in Sonoma

A San Rafael man was carjacked late Saturday night and driven to Sonoma by two suspects who later robbed an El Verano convenience store. Still at large for the felony spree are Walter Diaz Ucan, 19, and Federico Chan Moo, 24, both of San Rafael.... Continue

SV Hospital welcomes new surgeon

Dr. Scott Perryman, Prima Medical Group’s new Stanford, Fellowship-Trained General Surgeon, will join Sonoma Valley hospital’s growing team of surgeons next week. It can’t come soon enough. “I’m just so happy to be here,” he said. “I’m excited to get started.” Jointly recruited by Sonoma... Continue

Sonoma Hospital will treat Napa inmates

In a deal that could boost revenue by 10 percent, Sonoma Valley Hospital will provide medical services to psychiatric patients of Napa State Hospital starting September 1. The contract, announced Friday, will “add six figures to the bottom line,” outgoing CEO Tim Noakes last month.... Continue