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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Art thrives at the No Name Café

[caption id="attachment_15507" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Submitted photo A wide variety of students work on an equally wide variety of projects each Wednesday in the No Name Cafe’s art program.  From fine art to macrame, candle-making to graffiti art, the Art Society has something for everyone."][/caption] Over... Continue

News Briefs

Emmy’s hit by burglar The take from a busy weekend at Emmy’s Spaghetti Shack, upwards of $4,000 in cash, was discovered missing by owner Emmy Kaplan. Entering the office of her Broadway restaurant, Kaplan found the metal cash box, bank bags and tip envelopes all... Continue

Sonoma Creek cleanup day

Along with puddles and drought-relief, the heavy winter rains have brought lots of garbage and debris downstream, leaving litter on the bank of Sonoma Creek. The Maxwell Farms Regional Park Stewardship invites volunteers to join the Sonoma Creek and Park Cleanup on Saturday, Feb. 6... Continue

Indictment in Sonoma murder

The suspect in a fatal Arnold Drive shooting last May has been formally charged with the murder of Kenneth Swolley. Salvador Camargo, 27, was arraigned Friday for murder and various firearms charges. If convicted he faces up to 50 years in prison. On May 9,... Continue

On the Docket

Springs Redevelopment Advisory Committee Thursday, February 4, 7 p.m. The panel will look at a preliminary budget, ratify a list of goals, and discuss the proposed Hwy 12 improvements up to Donald Ave. Boys and Girls Club, Maxwell Farms Regional Park Community Services and Environment... Continue

New board members for Vintners & Growers Alliance

The Sonoma Valley Vintners & Growers Alliance (SVVGA) has installed four new board members: Philip Coturri of Enterprise Vineyards; Mike Pucci of Sangiacomo Vineyards; Michael Crain of Blakeslee & Crain Vineyard Advisors & Brokers; and Mark Stornetta of Alain Pinel Realtors. “With the new Board... Continue

Underdog owner looking for justice

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My dog was recently bitten by another dog twice his size. The injury cost me more than my tuition and books for the semester. I have asked the dog’s owner for help with the bill but he told me it wasn’t his... Continue

Operation Youth and Valley of the Moon Teen Center merge

Two long-standing organizations serving the Valley’s teen population – Operation Youth and the Valley of the Moon Teen Center – have merged. The announcement was made this past weekend at a party hosted by Terri and Chip Roberson. John Randall, president of OY explained that... Continue

Silver anniversary for financial planner

Lillian Meyers, president of Sonoma’s Meyers’ Financial, is celebrating 25 years in business. Meyers, who is the only female in Sonoma Valley that is a certified financial planner, attributes her success to experience and building personal relationships. Helping women in transition protect their assets has... Continue