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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Does this fur make me look fat?

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  My husband and I are trying to decide if our Labrador “Tess” is too fat. She has recently started looking a little thicker than she used to, but we aren’t feeding her any more, so we aren’t sure if she needs to... Continue

News Briefs

Hospital Foundation names new director, funds new projects The Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation Board of Directors announced Mary Graf Caletges as its new Executive Director.  Caletges had held the position of Foundation Coordinator with the organization for the last two years. “I feel very positive... Continue

Missing exterminator arrested in Reno

The curious case of Bryan Scobey, who disappeared from Sonoma in his company’s truck and was later reported selling tools for spare change in Yreka, has been solved. The 35-year-old exterminator and part-time DJ was arrested Wednesday in Reno. Bail has reportedly been set at... Continue

On the docket

Sonoma Planning Commission Thursday, February 11, 6:30 p.m. On the agenda: a proposal to construct an 18-unit hotel, in conjunction with a request to waive the residential component requirement, at 652 and 662 Broadway; and the follow-up review of regulated music at Emmy’s Spaghetti Shack.... Continue

Life 101: high school seniors take note

On the precipice of becoming adults, high school seniors have a lot to think about.  College bound or not, big issues loom in the not-too-distant future.  From finding a job to paying for car insurance, personal safety and apartment rental, there is plenty to learn... Continue

Local RN finds vast destruction in Haiti

When Steve Lombardi, a member of the San Francisco Bay Area Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), watched the news unfold of the disastrous earthquake in Haiti, he assured his fellow RNs in the ICU at Sonoma Valley Hospital that his team would not be going... Continue

Karl Malchow circumnavigates the globe — again

[caption id="attachment_15749" align="alignright" width="420" caption="Accidental conservationist Karl Malchow can often be seen striding through Sonoma."][/caption] At first, local man and walking icon Karl Malchow of Sonoma was a skipper. Not the kind of skipper you read about in accounts of World War II naval battles.... Continue

Hospital Foundation names new director, funds new projects

The Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation Board of Directors announced Mary Graf Caletges as its new Executive Director. Caletges had held the position of Foundation Coordinator with the organization for the last two years. “I feel very positive that the SVH Foundation will remain a strong... Continue

Successful Crab Feed for Boosters

Co-presidents Wendy Swanson and James Grossi couldn’t be more pleased with the turnout at last weekend’s Boosters Crab Feed. Ticket sales were initially slow, worrying organizers but gained momentum as the event drew near. “We sold the bulk of the tickets, 390 total, in the... Continue

Cemetery raises rates, expands services

When it comes to dying, the price of living just went up. The city council has approved a hike in cemetery prices by up to 30 percent to bring them up to market rate. The boost, along with new burial options and services, is aimed... Continue