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Local Sonoma Valley News:

News Briefs

Locals collaborate on new edition of winery directory Local editor and publisher Tom Silberkleit along with local author Marty Olmstead have released the fourth and newest edition of “The California Directory of Fine Wineries.” The beautifully illustrated travel guide is penned by Olmstead and profiles... Continue

Cash-strapped hospital imposes work furloughs

Sonoma Valley Hospital employees not directly involved in patient care could lose up to 20 percent of their paycheck under a new furlough plan, officials have announced. Under the furlough plan, which went into effect Dec. 13, all administration staff will reduce their time by... Continue

Sonoma loses a friend

The Valley lost a good friend on Sunday, December 13 when Chris Reed died following a sudden illness.  He was 55 years old. Many people will remember Reed as the affable checker at Sonoma Market, as quick to ring up your purchases as he was... Continue

School board meeting focuses on proposed budget cuts

Tuesday night’s school board meeting was another roundtable discussion focusing on exactly what cuts to the budget the district will make come January. The board needs to reduce the school budget by $1,026,000 to cover the state’s “fair share” grab of school funds. Justin Frese,... Continue

Reader to ‘harsh’ vet: doctor, heel thyself

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I saw your article about the doggie on the airplane and I thought you were too harsh and judgmental towards “no place for pets.” The fact is the little dog could have fleas, and fellow passengers can have head lice for that... Continue

News Briefs

Search is on for a new high school principal Parents of high school students are invited to take part in the initial stages of a search for a new principal for Sonoma Valley High School for the 2010/2011 school year. The meeting, which will take... Continue

Traffic Alert

Sonoma Valley Sun readers are advised of the following changed road conditions for the week of December 6: In Sonoma County: • On Highway 12 between Schellville and Kenwood expect one-way traffic control from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday through Friday. • On Highway... Continue

A community comes together to share its grief

The mood was somber this morning as Prestwood school said goodbye to the Maloney family. Parents and teachers wept but children seemed to find some joy as each of the 21 classes let loose symbolic balloons while thinking of the Maloney family and making a... Continue

Council won’t let the dogs in

Dog owners were put on a short leash by the Sonoma City Council Wednesday night as two agenda items that might have allowed dogs on city trails –the Montini Preserve trailhead and conditional canine access to the Overlook Trail -- went against them. Emotional comments... Continue