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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Solar power meets consumer power with One Block Off the Grid

[caption id="attachment_12393" align="alignright" width="420" caption="Submited photo The “1BOG man” appears in communities on the map where a 1BOG solar project is taking place."][/caption] They are young, they are hip and they are bringing solar to a town near you.  They are One Block Off the... Continue

World-class high school planned for Sonoma

The Sonoma Valley Unified School District is working with a small group of community members intent on turning Sonoma Valley High School into a model high school, backed by an endowment that will fund enhanced and innovative programs for the 21st century. Three men, Tim... Continue

Could our dog be part fox?

Dear Dr. Forsythe: Is it possible that our dog Gracie could be part fox? She has beautiful red hair, is all poofy and lots of people think she looks like a fox. We’ve been asked several times. But can wild foxes mate with domestic dogs?... Continue

On the Docket

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors sits as the governing board of Sonoma County and of various special jurisdictions such as the Sonoma County Water Agency, the Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District, the Agricultural Preservation and Open Space... Continue

World-class high school planned for Sonoma

The Sonoma Valley Unified School District is working with a small group of community members intent on turning Sonoma Valley High School into a model high school backed by an endowment that will fund enhanced and innovative programs for the 21st century. Three men, Tim... Continue

H1N1 virus trots into the Valley

The fever and body aches, the coughing, sneezing and general malaise. That’s right, it’s the H1N1 virus and it’s currently running around right here in Sonoma. More commonly referred to as swine flu, the virus has reared its ugly head in the Valley, most recently... Continue

STAR test results are in, not much has changed since last year.

Last week, parents received their children’s STAR test results by mail. While the official results still need to be tabulated and massaged to produce the Annual Progress Report (AYP) which delineates the advanced, proficient, basic, etc. level status for each student, the numbers look startlingly... Continue

Growers add moth paperwork to harvest chores

Threat to the wine industry or just another bug in the vineyard? The ongoing argument about the dangers of the light-brown apple moth is, to grape growers in the quarantine area, a moot point. Regardless of your feelings about the pest, you’ve got to follow... Continue

City Council can’t quite close budget deficit

The city of Sonoma has a budget. Almost. Agreeing on measures to reduce a proposed $494,000 general fund deficit to about $125,000 in red ink, the city council adjourned Wednesday night with a promise to finalize the $11.4 million budget in a special meeting on... Continue