A college student in her early 20s receives a “cause” invitation on Facebook. It is from the “Seeds for Change” group, one of the university’s community service chapters. She reads the evite to find the group is encouraging students to plant trees on Earth Day... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have a dilemma with my Schnauzer and I really want to get him neutered. The problem is he is a “show dog” and I only own half of him. The co-owner and I can’t agree on neutering him. She insists he... Continue
[nggallery id=118] Sonomans jumped on the bandwagon last weekend, joining forces with 141 countries around the globe to propel the number 350 into human consciousness on what is being recognized as the single largest day of international action for the environment ever. For the uninitiated,... Continue
You started paying more for your garbage service three weeks ago, the city council decided Wednesday night. Sonoma Garbage Collectors, Inc. was granted a rate increase of 4.11 percent effective Oct. 1. The impact of a typical residential rate payer, with a 32-gallon can, will... Continue
Sonoma celebrities will be on hand to check and bag your groceries at both Sonoma Market and Glen Ellen Village Market as you “shop for a cause” on Thursday, Oct. 29. From 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., both markets will donate 10 percent of all... Continue
As the flu spreads, the supply of seasonal flu vaccine seems to be dwindling. A November flu-shot clinic at the Vintage House senior center has been canceled for lack of vaccine, as have two clinics at Rite Aid. Sonoma Valley Hospital ran out of the... Continue
They dropped, they covered and they held. The Sonoma Disaster Council coordinated a significant disaster preparedness drill on October 15, the 20th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake. Dubbed “The Big Rumble,” the exercise was designed to demonstrate the need for disaster preparedness. City Manager... Continue
[caption id="attachment_13132" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Bob Edmondson"][/caption] Bob Edmondson, a teacher at Sonoma Charter School, is also a talented musician. A release party for his new CD drew a packed house to En-er-gy Studio last weekend. The band included Cliff Hugo, Cliff Zyskowski, Ylonda Nickells, as... Continue
Everyone loves the Tuesday night Farmers Market. Not everyone loves how it’s run. That may change. The city council initiated a Request for Proposal process Wednesday night, a chance for new organizations to bid to replace the group that has been in place for 18... Continue
Local office hours with Supervisor Valerie Brown Monday, October 26, 3:30-6:30 p.m. Supervisor Valerie Brown holds her monthly office hours in Sonoma Valley. To schedule an appointment, contact Jennifer Hainstock at 565-2241 or jhainsto@sonoma-county.org Sheriff Sub-Station, 810 Grove Street, El Verano Springs Redevelopment Advisory Committee... Continue