The Nathanson Creek Restoration day scheduled for Saturday Jan. 10 has been cancelled due to the suspension of a grant that has “frozen” Julie Jehly’s position of Stewardship Coordinator. Short of staff, the cleanup cannot proceed. The grant, Jehly said, was funded by Prop. 50,... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
The Valley of the Moon Water District Board of Directors toasted the new year at its meeting Tuesday evening with a glass of water from the newly operating Well #5. The directors moved smoothly and quickly through a number of items of business at the... Continue
In a 21-day holiday DUI crackdown that started Dec. 12 and ended at midnight Jan.1, law enforcement officers in Sonoma County brought in 250 DUI suspects, not 176 as the 'Avoid the 13' group had previously reported. This is a 13 percent increase from last... Continue
Sunday, Jan. 11, 2009 is National Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Awareness Day. To help raise awareness of the issues surrounding this worldwide problem, Soroptimist International Clubs of Sonoma, Marin, and Mendocino counties will host an event at the Finley Center in Santa Rosa. The... Continue
Three Highway 12 projects set to begin Monday, Jan. 5 have been put on hold due to weather. Work may begin midweek, but is more likely to start on Monday, Jan. 12, according to the California Department of Transportation. The first project, daytime sidewalk and... Continue
The Valley of the Moon Water District Board of Directors’ agenda for its first regular meeting of the New Year includes a public hearing on proposed increases in customer charges, to be effective April 2009. The board also will elect new officers for the year.... Continue
The results are in and the word is out to the Obama-Biden transition team: Sonoma wants sweeping health care reform. At a Sonoma Valley community discussion last week, part of a nationwide response to invitations from the Obama-Biden transition team to communities throughout the country... Continue
In conjunction with Sonoma County Supervisor Valerie Brown, Sonoma County Sheriff Bill Cogbill will host a community meeting next week to discuss law enforcement issues in Sonoma Valley. To be addressed at the public meeting are crime rates in general, gangs, a recent sexual assault... Continue
Despite the media blitz of negativity surrounding global estate markets, commercial activity is alive, well and accelerating in Sonoma Valley. Four of the 17 lots at the 53-acre Carneros Business Park, located off Eighth Street East near Highway 121, are in various phases of development.... Continue
The City of Sonoma Planning Commission will meet Thursday Jan. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Meeting Room, 177 First St. W. On the agenda will be a public hearing and study session to consider a proposal to convert part of an existing commercial... Continue