Sonoma Developmental Center EIR: No Mitigation Necessary? News Analysis by David Bolling | For The Sonoma Sun There is a pall hanging over the Sonoma Developmental Center, where record levels of triple-digit heat have singed the lawns and playing fields, pushed oaks and redwoods past... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Homeless Action Sonoma hosts an info session at 18820 Sonoma Hwy, the site of its planned tiny-home village. Saturday or Sunday, October 8 and 9, 10am - 2pm each day. Continue
By Steve Meloan -- The sound came in the dead of night – a brief, screeching metal-on-metal. It was all so alien to my half-asleep brain, I chalked it up to a catfight and soon drifted off again. In the morning, my wife went out... Continue
Teacher Heidy Garibay knows that imaginative play is critical in the development of students, particularly language development, in her 2nd-grade class at Flowery Elementary School. To support efforts in the dual immersion setting, she employs a variety of toys, games, and other materials that are... Continue
Always a person who loved being outdoors and volunteering in her community, Dr. Kimberly Hubenette, a member of Sonoma Valley Rotary Club, is finding a new level of appreciation and solace in her weekly hikes and hiking trips. After losing her husband Mark in 2019,... Continue
With October upon us it's nearly November and time to elect another batch of fellow residents to City Council to replace those who are quitting for better-paying vineyard jobs, who promised only to serve one term, whose several terms expired and they're exhausted, and/or whose... Continue
The Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley has opened its 2022 fall grant cycle for local nonprofit community organizations. Applications are due October 31. “We’ve been serving Sonoma Valley continuously since 1946, doing what we can to make our community a little bit better for the... Continue
Two traditional outdoor events this weekend, and you can do them both! Saturday, October 8: Valley of the Moon Vintage Festival Sunday, October 9: Glen Ellen Village Fair & Parade. Continue
The work of Noemí Vázquez has been displayed recently by folkloric dancers at various celebrations of Mexican Independence Day, during Hispanic Heritage month. The Sun's Anna Pier sat down to speak in Spanish with the talented seamstress for Quetzalén, our local folkloric dance troupe and... Continue