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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Hospital board approves November bond measure

Driven by financial urgency, the board of directors of the Sonoma Valley Hospital have approved their 2009 budget and voted to place a bond measure for infrastructure upgrade–not land–on the November ballot. Because CEO Carl Gerlach and boardmember Bill Boerum were absent at their May... Continue

News Briefs

Mixed results for Memorial Day DUIs Depending on the jurisdiction, Memorial Day drunk-driving arrests took a hop or a dip this year – with Sonoma in the second category, having registered only one such bust during the holiday weekend. “She was driving around town with... Continue

“Brown is the new Green!”

A view of Lake Mendocino. The lake will be 10,000 acre-feet below desired level by this fall. Submitted photo According to the Sonoma County Water Agency, these three past months have been the driest spring on record – and the Sonoma County Water Agency is... Continue

Vandalism, response on rise in Valley

The gazebo and bathrooms at Depot Park were heavily vandalized the evening of May 27. CAROLINE HALL/Sonoma Valley Sun If you think Sonoma’s public spaces are experiencing more than their share of defacement and damage, it’s not your imagination. “This July I’m going on 35... Continue

Good news possible on hospital’s horizon

If the legislation that cleared the Senate on May 27 ultimately earns Governor Schwarzenegger’s approval, the Sonoma Valley Hospital will be able to tell the public exactly what their long planned and desperately needed infrastructure upgrades will cost. The bill, SB 1699, authored by Senator... Continue

Three candidates, some waiting

The voting is over in Sonoma County’s First Supervisorial District – and now, the waiting begins. Tuesday’s election failed to immediately resolve the question of who’ll represent Sonoma Valley at the county level for the next four years. Although two-term incumbent Valerie Brown failed to... Continue

City offers water-saving tips

Now that the Sonoma County Water Agency is once again calling for conservation, the City of Sonoma is ready for the challenge. The city already offers many residential programs to help families conserve and, has enacted an ordinance that requires all new construction to be... Continue