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Local Sonoma Valley News:

City Council smiles on family food and garden plan

Bob Cannard offers to share his life-long passion for gardening and poultry with the city he loves. Ryan lely/Sonoma Valley Sun There will always be a few who are, as Dick Cavett once said of Woody Allen, “at two with nature.” One spoke up at... Continue

City council takes sides on ballot measures

Next week, California voters have a choice between two California constitutional amendments, both purporting to reform eminent domain abuses. The Sonoma City made its choice last week. At its May 21 meeting, the council considered the proposal put forward by council member Stanley Cohen that... Continue

Charges filed in Schellville murder

Sheriff’s investigator enters crime scene Wednesday, May 21 on Bonneau Road. Ryan lely/Sonoma Valley Sun A 20-year-old Chico man postponed entering a plea Friday in connection with the murder of his grandfather last week on Bonneau Road. The victim, 77-year-old Robert Ferris Deming, was killed... Continue

Council race edges toward November

The presidential election isn’t the only political contest piquing early interest – with Sonoma City Councilmember Stanley Cohen’s recent announcement that he would not seek a second term, local eyes are also straining toward November. “The time has come to be home for dinner more... Continue

Landmarks Commission finally okays Clemente Inn demolition

At a meeting on May 21, the Landmarks Commission agreed to allow PRMD to issue a demolition permit, with conditions, to Clemente Inn owner, Marty Edwards. This is not the outcome Edwards or anyone else wanted, but after months of financial, bureaucratic and practical stalemate,... Continue

Mountain lion visits Agua Caliente

Stacey Martinelli and David Cassady of the Department of Fish and Game prepare a wayward mountain lion last Thursday afternoon for transportation to a nearby wildlife area. Ryan lely/Sonoma Valley Sun After a more than two-hour stare-off, a young female mountain lion was pronounced fine... Continue

Council Briefs

City to join county dispatch JPA Greater efficiency, better interagency communications and a bigger voice – that’s what the City of Sonoma gains from its entry into a countywide dispatch system. After a discussion that included input from Sonoma County Sheriff Bill Cogbill and Sonoma... Continue

A chicken in every yard

There will always be a few who are, as Dick Cavett once said of Woody Allen, "at two with nature." One spoke up at last week's Sonoma City Council meeting to decry Bob Cannard’s idea of families raising some of their food by having gardens... Continue

Charges filed in Schellville killing

A 20-year-old Chico man postponed entering a plea Friday in connection with the murder of his grandfather last week on Bonneau Road. The victim, 77-year-old Robert Ferris Deming, was killed by a close-range shotgun blast to the back of his head while he was watching... Continue