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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Early survey findings show support for hospital bond

Bill Boerum, the newest board member of the Sonoma Valley Health Care District, said on Friday that while the final Dresner, Wickers survey report has not been finished, he had just seen some encouraging figures that show community support for a general obligation bond over... Continue

Data & Errata

When cold and flu season hits wine country, the perceptual powers of aficionados – especially those that require a nose – are rendered useless; indeed, those like myself rely on a sort of gustatory synesthesia to free-associate an impression of a wine based on its... Continue

DUI arrests up 31 percent in Sonoma County

In the City of Sonoma, DUI arrests have gone up from 3 last year to 5 this year over the Christmas holiday. Those statistics are tracked as part of the AVOID campaign, a cooperative effort of law enforcement personnel from around the Bay Area. It... Continue

Council members and citizens consider how to combat climate change

At the Sonoma City Council meeting on December 19, issues of energy efficiency, transportation, and water came up again and again, showing that the subject of conservation and emissions reduction is being taken seriously by all levels of government. The overall question emphatically seems to... Continue

News Briefs

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Sonoma Kiwanis Club giving dictionaries to all Sonoma Valley third graders. This year also marks the year that their first third grade recipients will graduate from high school. Ron Gruetter has led the Kiwanis Club’s dictionary program... Continue

Girl Scouts recycling Christmas trees!

For the past ten years our older Girl Scout troops have run a Christmas tree recycling program working directly with Sonoma County Waste Management, Sonoma Garbage, and Empire Waste Management to recycle (compost) Christmas trees in Sonoma Valley. The Girl Scouts will cart away and... Continue

Weekend stabbing sends two to hospital

A loud party of 20 or 30 participants erupted in violence last Sunday, in the early hours, in front of the El Verano Inn at 705 Laurel Avenue. One victim, age 21, from El Verano, was admitted to the Sonoma Valley Hospital emergency room and... Continue

If you’re in a jam, the alcalde’s your man.

Newly appointed alcalde, Sy Lenz, said recently that Sonoma’s new homeless shelter should be ready to open its doors very soon. “This is a huge step forward for the community,” said Lenz, “the project got started completely from private funds, and it’s progressed from the... Continue

Merry Christmas!

Good news from heaven the angels bring, Glad tidings to the earth they sing: To us this day a child is given, To crown us with the joy of heaven. - Martin Luther, 1535 Continue

Audubon bird-lovers count, don't kill

Back in the 1800s, when America’s wild birds and animals seemed to be in endless supply, one favorite Christmas tradition amongst outdoor-lovers was called the “Side Hunt,” where participants choose sides and traipsed into the field with their guns and dogs and at the end... Continue