At 11:30 p.m. last Wednesday police were dispatched to the Casa Grande parking lot and found two males rummaging through a pickup owned by Mary’s Pizza Shack and trying to open doors on various other cars until they got in a Green Ford Explorer and... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
To cleanse the palate between wines, tasting rooms often offer taste-bud-neutralizing wafers and tap water. Here’s a better idea: a cold one pulled at Ernie’s Tin Bar, the best kept secret in Sonoma County. Located in the no-man’s land where Lakeville Highway and Stage Gulch... Continue
The Sonoma County Regional Parks announced this week that its campgrounds can now be reserved via a new website, available “24/7” for choosing favorite campsites. Reservations are taken up to a year in advance. The five campgrounds operated by the county are Gualala Point and... Continue
At the meeting Tuesday of the Sonoma Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees, new officers were elected: Board President Camerino Hawing, Vice President Sandra Lowe, and Clerk Dan Gustafson. Superintendent Barbara Young thanked Nicole Abaté Ducarroz for her service as president, saying, “You were... Continue
Three representatives were elected to the Sonoma Valley Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) at its December 6 meeting. The RAC makes recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors for projects and programs in the redevelopment area. The redevelopment area runs along Highway 12 between Maxwell Farms... Continue
Sonoma City Council unanimously elects Joanne Sanders Mayor “There is no ‘I’ in my agenda,” said Joanne Sanders upon her unanimous election last week by the Sonoma City Council to serve as Mayor. “It’s about what the Council wants to do as representatives of our... Continue
Wine Country Chocolates is a retail space and chocolate tasting room where one can educate one’s palate. Ryan Lely/Sonoma Valley Sun If your childhood dreams ever found you inside a chocolate shop where you could taste the different concoctions until you found just the right... Continue
The Sonoma Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees on Tuesday acknowledged Ana Selena De La Cruz and Frederick Anguiano as the Altimira Middle School Students of the Year. Statements read both in English and in Spanish described the students’ achievements and the particular obstacles... Continue
At the meeting Tuesday of the Sonoma Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees, new officers were elected: Board President Camerino Hawing, Vice President Sandra Lowe, and Clerk Dan Gustafson. Superintendent Barbara Young thanked Nicole Abaté Ducarroz for her service as president, saying, “You were... Continue
Jack O’Connell announced yesterday that 251 teachers in California had earned National Board Certification this year from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. This brings the total number of California teachers who have achieved this distinction to 3,878, now including Sonoma’s own Kevin Evans.... Continue