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Local Sonoma Valley News:

I Say Drink, You Say Wine

Wine lovers looking to earn their stripes might consider Wine Boot Camp, a total-immersion experience among the vines and cellars&#46Not for the faint of heart, Wine Boot Camp exposes its recruits to the winemaking process from soup to nuts, using every sense to feel and... Continue

Education Foundation Appoints New Director

Fran Meininger, the new executive director of the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation. Ryan lely/Sonoma Valley SunSonoma native Fran Meininger was tapped as the new executive director of the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation this week, following an extensive national search. Meininger directed the Valley of the... Continue

Controversial development near Blue Wing Inn

The Sonoma Planning Commissions will consider on Thursday August 23 possible acceptance of the Final Environmental Impact Report for a new development in the vacant lot in the 100 block of East Spain Street, just east of the Plaza. The Mission Square project involves 23... Continue

News Briefs

Grammy-winning group, Los Lobos. has been added to the lineup at the B.R. Cohn Music Festival in Glen Ellen. submitted photoLos Lobos added to Cohn fall music fest The Grammy-winning group Los Lobos will play on Sunday, Sept. 30 at the B. R. Cohn Music... Continue

Board beats students back to school

Meeting a week before the students return, the Board of Trustees of the Sonoma Valley Unified School District meet last Tuesday evening to review their own summer travels and to hear updates on several matters accomplished over the summer. Several new principals are now in... Continue

One more day to enter amateur wine competition

The Valley of the Moon Vintage Festival Amateur Wine Competition has extended its application deadline to Friday, Aug.17. Paula Vinson, chairperson for community events for the 110th Valley of the Moon Vintage Festival has announced an extension of the deadline for this year's Amateur Wine... Continue

Hardwood, carpets and rugs selection may floor customers

Hardwood flooring, distinctive carpets and area rugs have stepped up to center stage as today’s homeowners are realizing that’s what underfoot can be more important than what’s overhead. Distinctive textures and patterns are now making flooring and carpeting an integral element of an overall interior... Continue

STAR results show student gains as well as achievement gaps

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell yesterday released the results of the 2007 Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) program that indicate California students are continuing to improve their academic performance in most subjects and grades. "This year's results offer both encouragement and reason for... Continue

Backpack giveaway

Back to school supplies can strain even fat family budgets &#46 For families struggling economically, costly school supplies can be the final straw &#46 For the 7th year in a row, The Office Depot Foundation is bringing backpacks to needy kids in the Sonoma Valley... Continue

Meininger selected to lead Sonoma Valley Education Foundation

Fran Meininger, a Sonoma native known for her work with several local organizations, was named yesterday as the new executive director of the Sonoma Valley Education Foundation (SVEF). Following an extensive nationwide search, the foundation’s board selected the Glen Ellen resident and longtime supporter of... Continue